Catching Up

2003-08-16 6:44 a.m.
So My drive started going to shit. I went out grabbed a new 80 gb drive, a new fader (hard to find a fader for a Technics SH-DJ1200 these days), some vinyl and headed home.

Seems like no biggie, but since I'm at my desk about 80% of every day, setting up takes a loooong fucking time. Lost of apps to install, nothing standard, everything with 1000's of options to suit how i use my shit. Changing directories not meant to be changed, adding drives unexpectedly, all types of fuckery.

So there went 2 days. Straight into setup. At least I'm running like I did when I first got this joint. Better even. Although that loot for the HD was going towards my trip, as in, i gotta make up for it. So i finish 2 days getting this thing going... and take a nap.

I wake up at 4:08 on Wednesday. Why do I know it was 4:08? It gave me enought time to grab the remote, turn on the TV and watch for 2 minutes before the power shut out.

I live in an old brooklyn building with shit for electric. I blow a fuse a week. (Yes, FUSE). So I checked the fuse, and sure enough it was dead. I changed it and nothing came on. Mind you, I've just woken up. I notice the fridge is off too (close to the fuse box). I figure we blew the fuse in the basement.

I've blown the basement fuse 2wice since I got here, and it's the biggest fucking pain in the ass that exists in this building. I've gone down with the super to help him find the thing. Every fuse of the building is all in order, nicely marked. Took us 2 hours to find mine, which is way off in teh corner in a separate room behind an old pipe. At least I know where it is now.

So I found my sneakers and got ready to go through the fuse parade while they try to find the key, then try to find the fuse, then finally come and ask me where it is, then try to find the spare fuses to put in, etc, etc. Ok, dressed, phone, wallet.. shit, keys.. ok, keys. smokes, zippo. All good. downstairs i go, while calling R to see what up with him.

After 3 tries and finally realizing I'm walking down a pitch black hallway, I wonder if I've blown the fuse for the entire building. I mean, I have a lot of shit here. 3 computers, turntables, amp, stereo, tv, 2 air conditioners, etc, etc. Then I think about it and realize I can't blow those fuses.. they're separate... And the phone's not working...

Well, last time the phones were 'this' dead, I was covered in dust, trying to figure out why planes were smashing into buildings 4 blocks away from me. Ok, 3 secondss of nervousness, but no panic. I reach the door, and everyone is outside, but calm, happy even. At least happy enough to be conversating.

I ge tto the optical store where my landlord is the doc. Fgured I'd pick up my contact while I found out what the deal was. Pitch black in the optical store. They know my face so I got a few smiles. Didn't even have to ask, But i did anyways...

'Buildings out?'

'The whole block is out...'

'No Shit?'

'...The whole burrough is out, shit the shole 5 burroughs.'


I wandered out in strange amazement. Had to see for myself. Walked around the neighborhood and saw all the stores were pitch black. Everyone was outside in confusion, but conversating. New York is really good for talking to strangers. No, it really really is. It was a pleasant surprise when I moved out here.

Walked for about 20 minutes and headed back up. Repeatedly called to see if everyone was alright. Make sure Manhatten is still on the map. Got nothin. After about 30 calls per number I'd get voicemail, leave the message and move on to the next....

Needed some news. I could go out and ask, but nodody fucking knew. All I heard was rumors of what may have happened during my whole walk. Fuck, no 9 volts... um.. roomate's room. old walkman. Back to my room.. Batteries. Plenty of batteries. Hmm.. ahh, speaker. Nice.. snip here and there, splice these wires and... ah yes AM radio, without the need of headphones.

It's fucking hot. I know I love the heat, but that's cuz I usually have something to get my mind off of it. When everything is off, it's you, your thoughts and your sweat. And the sirens. Ambulances and Firetrucks.. consitently. No really.. consitently for about 8 hours - to the point where they drowned into the silence.

After about 20 minutes, I was calm. Got to reading, got some candles ready for the evening. Eventually the girls got home and I had to deal with thier lack of patience. Both of them hot, bored, complaining, as I sat and read. Wired Magazine, The Alchemist, The Art of Looking Sideways, The teachings of Plato, Vibe Anniversary Issue, Maxim, The Business Side of Creativity, The Joy of Cooking... Utter bliss - another day off.

Went for a walk that night and it was bugged. Actaully saw stars which is truly rare within 25 miles of NYC. Pitch Black except for headlights, a couple floating cigarette glows and an occasional flash light or candle. Some windows had candles flickering.

Enough walking.. back home.. met some guy in the building who seems to be just as much of a geek as i, which is cool.. Hopefully we can work together.

Too hot for sex, or even affection for that matter. Too humid to sleep. Solitaire on the ipod and a couple chapters of the book here and there.

Slept through the morning, and by afternoon took another nap. woke up about 2 minutes before the power came back on.

Been catching up since.