
2004-12-01 10:41 a.m.
Some time yesterday I drifted out of the clouds my head�s been in for a couple weeks. Not sure what provoked such a thing. Maybe it was that moldy coffee. I drifted out, opened my eyes, and realized I was 40,000 feet above the ground without a parachute. And as all of us grown folk know, you never actually fall until you look down.

And man did I plunge.

So as I was hurling towards an awfully messy ending, I pulled out my phone and called L who was happy to lend assistance� right after she finished her paper.

I tried to get some sleep. No chance. I tried to call some old friends from home. G�s not answering. Some dude answered J�s phone. K�s in Miami. Obviously calling home wasn�t the way to go�

Fuck it. I�ll just plunge for a lil while longer, feel bad for myself a bit and hopefully the mess will be manageable. So I got lost further in my fall for a bit.

And the absolute, most unexpected drunk dial I could ever hope for. My dad called. Now I�ve explained how that dude gets when he�s drunk, and when I realized it was him, and I sensed the worble in his voice, I wasn�t quite sure where to go. He didn�t realize I was 35,000 feet in the air and on a steady descent.

Or maybe he did. Well, I don�t think he was in any position to notice anything, but he blindly talked me down a bit. No insults. No stupid jokes. Well, he was still himself, which is� whatever� things slowed down a bit. I mean I was still plunging at a devastating rate, but I looked up a bit to notice the incredible view.

So I headed to the West side of Manhattan. A nice lil bar, perfect for such a trip. And lucky for me it was slow depressing music night. Ah, the perfect soundtrack for a high speed collision with the rocks below.

John Walker showed up and gave a bit of updraft to help with the descent. He gave me the number to a few old friends I needed to call. Nobody was picking up last night, but I left a couple messages. And that helped me notice the gorgeous sunset in the distance.

Eventually, and in good time, L showed up and talked me down into a safe landing. There�s nothing like an old friend to help you get back down safely. And by the end of the evening, I was a mere couple hundred feet form the ground� floating on down into a perfect sleep. And Mr. Walker was even kind enough not to smack me in the face this morning.

Oh, but a what a beautiful cloud it was. Only a fool could escape such an awe inspiring breath of fresh air. Hopefully it might float on down here and visit me some time� maybe in the form of a fog while I�m safely on the ground.