
2009-08-19 11:56 a.m.
There was that one who came over almost every day to watch movies. It was obvious she wanted me. It was obvious I didn't. I told her about some issues I had with another. Haven't seen her since.

There's the one who recently moved to Hawaii. Called me while I was in Amsterdam, destitute and lonely - homesick. Talked her down for an hour (which wasn't cheap). She wanted me to visit and I wanted to visit. She kept pushing the date back. The new visit date: mid October. Probably not going to happen. The money's gone and I'm tired of being social.

There's the one who lived with me for two years. In the midst of a bad night (learned that a friend had passed), I asked her over. I needed a friend but when I saw her it all came back. She finally admitted her faults in our split. It figures she'd voice all those things once it was unrecoverable. Because of her bullshit, we never got a real shot. Asked her for one. She "doesn't love me any more." That fucking hurt.

There's that one who I picked up at the bar. Interesting in every way, but disinterested and mine's waning. She dropped in unannounced last night, wasted. Was a pleasant surprise at first. But the games... Something's on her mind but she won't say what. She grabs a spray can...

"Do you trust me with this?"

"Shouldn't I?"

"What if I spray paint your wall?"

"Don't. Spray paint whatever the fuck you want, but not the walls."

She goes to the other side of the curtain covering the doorless doorway (to keep the cold air in) and sprays it. After she walks out, I go to see what it was. Smiley face on the curtain, and one on the wall. Purposefully overreacted in an email this morning. "I'm not your doormat. If you want to test your limits, call one of your little boy toys and shit on him. I'll be home by about 7pm and expect you to come soon after to paint my wall." She's coming, but I went ahead and painted over it anyways. Not impressed. Not cute.

There's the one from the dating site. We met for a couple hours over drinks. Wow. Just, Wow. Called her the next day. First time I've actually called a woman with the intention of conversation in about 3 years. Far as I can tell, she's not calling back.

Tired of it. Done for now.