Drunken Politics

2004-11-02 1:15 a.m.
So my mom called the other day...

< Hey ma...

> Hey, How are you?

< I'm good, just finishing up some work. How've you been?

> Oh, I'm just hanging with your dad. I have a question... Um... Are you voting?

< (noticing she sounds a bit tipsy) Um.. yeah. First time.

> Do you mind if I ask who you're voting for?

< Don't mind at all... Kerry.

> Oh.

< And you?

> Well, you know I'm a big time republican.

< Actually, we've never really talked politics before. I know dad's family are a bunch of red heads and I love em for it, but I never really knew your stance.

> That's true... So...

< Well, I don't really think it makes much sense to vote a party. To be honest, I don't like Bush at all, and I think he needs to be replaced. Fuck, you could put another republican in for all I care - I've no issue with republicans by any means, but George and Cheney got to go.

> Ok. I'm glad to hear you're going to vote, even though our votes cancel each--

< Well, not really. I mean we are in different states.

> Yeah.. that's true..

< And regardless our votes barely count, as IL and NY are both democratic states. AND, unless you have some VIP pass to the electoral college, this conversation is nearly useless. Not that I don't love hearing from you, mom.

... conversation goes on about the glass ceiling for women at CVS and how she's too old to deal with the bullshit, so she's moving on to sales... she's got an interview at Staples... Sales has little to no glass cieling, just quotas... I'm happy for her... wishing her luck, etc, etc...

> Do you want to talk to your dad?

< Not if you guys have been drinking.

> (in the background) Come on, talk to him!

< Don't worry about it, ma... have a good night.

... 10 minutes later I get the drunken call from dear old dad...

> You mother is complaining that I wont call some fucking Kerry supporter

< Whatever man, I'm working on something, can this wait?

> I keep telling her I'll just call you after the election.

< Man, I don't have time for this shit. Do what you gotta do. Call me for my birthday next week.

.. God damned silly people. I know they're my parents, but today they epitomize something that's got me pretty riled up, as of this morning.

This morning I'm dealing with a hangover and watching MSNBC, flipping through the list of recorded shows to see what I missed this weekend.

They're interviewing some people they've been following for the past 6 weeks to find out what their final decisions are. I'm not too worried about their party affiliations, and their vote is theirs, but the reasons they gave on national TV baffled the fuck out of me...

To paraphrase, 2 of the people actually said they don't like what Bush has done, but they're going to vote for him in the hopes that he changes his ways.

Forgive me, as I'm slow with some things, but this made no sense to me. Not even a little bit. They might as well have been speaking in a mixture of 7 languages while 3 feet deep in a pool of tar. It's abosolute gibberish.

I mean did these people record themselves on TV, watch it later with their family and actually agree, after hearing it again? Did it actually make sense to them?

The reason doesn't match the action. Might as well tell people you hate to swim, so you're gonna be a lifeguard.

I was happy to see that one of the guys had the nuts to vote libertarian. I hope that in my lifetime, we have a non blue/red president

This whole wasted vote bullshit irks me. The only wasted vote is no vote. Don't let the machine tell you that you have to vote for the top two. And independents votes don't take from democrats. They take from all _other_ parties, as it's a vote for independent. Vote the party you believe it, and fuck the bullshit.

Speaking of which, I think all this Nader bashing is uncalled for. It sucks actually. I commend the man for having the cojones to put his career where his mouth is and run against such a nasty system as our political machine.

Ah well fuck it.

I've actaully found myself defending bush in the bars lately, if at least to defend myself in some offbeat way. If you didn't skip past the top of this post, you know where my vote stands, but to hear intelligent people tell me that the leader of our country is stupid is completely asinine.

It's an insult to you're own intelligence and to the general intelligence of our country.

- Speaking of which, the claim that half our country is stupid is arrogant and shameful. Fuck anyone who holds that opinion as truth, for you know nothing of your fellow wo/man or yourself. -

Anyways, I promise you, Bush knows what the fuck he's doing, AND he's doing whatever the fuck he wants to do, however the fuck he wants to do it. This guy is getting away with murder, AND, he's got everyone calling him stupid, as if he were too stupid to pull it off... Now THAT is fucking intelligent.

I'm actually in awe of the man. I really hope he doesn't make another 4 years, but man did he pull some shit.

Well whatever, I'm glad this shit is over. I'm getting really tired of loud drunken debates about a couple dickheads running for head office. Make the votes, count the votes, accept the winner and go on with your lives.

Or don't. I'll be here drinking scotch and playing burnout 3. Feel free to join me.

And for a far more important person worth listenting to, if at least because he's one of the few honest people we have in the media, which is unfortunate..

Clip One
Clip Two
Clip Three
Clip Four and Five
(if you have trouble with four and five)