Plain Ol' Update

2004-06-10 4:05 p.m.
It had to happen to one of us eventually, and more likely to R, as he's just under 40. R. went for a convention in SF for a week and had a blast - as he does. Well, it seems that he's having some liver problems. I was pretty devastated when I heard it. That, and he's splitting with his girl. It was mututal - she doesn't trust him for WHATEVER reason (he don't mess around) and he's tired of dealing with mistrust. Great timing too, since it's her birthday.

So we're headed to a non alcaholic dinner tomorrow to talk it all over.

Been workin my ass off lately. Pulled an 18 hour day yesteray, so I'm taking it easy today. Got 2 big projects and 3 smaller ones, with 2 more coming in. Always nice to have steady work, when you're not even trying to sell yourself.

I'm down another 3 - 5 lbs too (total of about 15 lbs in the past 2 months). I haven't been walking as much lately, mostly due to esteem issues, which is a rarity. I've had acne issue for years, and I thought it was finally about over. I've always got some bullshit in the vacinity of my head, but it's been really minor lately. Then a week ago, I wake up, and no bullshitting, 26 whiteheads (I counted) and a shitload of red slotches. I felt diseased. My entire face hurts, mostly from the nose down. This all happned in one night.

It's been subsiding REALLY slowly, and I'm sick of it. I'm generally not too worried about how I look when I leave my apratment, but lately I haven't wanted to go anywhere. One would figure at 25, all this shit would be over with.

I met a really interesting girl at A's girl's brithday night out on Saturday. She's a really cute asian girl who's into design. Like really into it, and she's pretty good. So as the conversation started getting good, my girl called (she leaft the party earlier with a friend). Crabby and ready to get the fuck home. I'd really wanted to continue the conversation, but obviously, it was time to go. Dropped her an email, but got nothin yet.

I was really lookin forward to getting a couple more female friends in my life since they've been scarce lately. It's always been really important for me to have friends of all kinds at all times - it keeps things interesting, and the lack of female input lately has been fairly detrimental. Not like I'm trying to mess around or anyhting even close to that... just like to have the female side to an arguement more often. Any single gender group gets a bit .. um.. one sided, eventaully.

Ah well.. all else is good. My boy K. just did a big show in Chicago. He played bass for some opening show and said they rocked the house pretty well. Wish I could've seen it. My other boy K. just send me a couple new tracks for his album. His beats were pretty tight, but the guy on the mic needs a replacement.

Alright, that's it for my update...

Muchos Thanks to Triggy for the good words. That, and I'm rarely envious, but La La's Hawaii pics made my shade a lil greener. The weather's been about par out here, but all this concrete just don't do it.