Fuck off man, whatever

2004-09-21 6:04 p.m.


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u: dland
p: dland

Sensible summary / rebuttal:


In other news, everything's good. Started designing a bit again (web and print), and I've been getting compliments from some of the designers I've looked up to for years, which tells me I'm on the right track.

I'm going to leave the pro jobs to the pros, if at least because it's impossible to handle everythign myself. Besides, it takes me 8 hours to do what these guys throw together in 30 minutes.

I've got functions all week. I'm a lot more confident in hitting these VIP joints now that I've started getting my wardrobe out of the mid 90s. Of course, my palette still needs a lot of growth in color and style, but at least I can look good on the right occasions. I need to work on some things for layering and such, but the basics are under control.

I'm headed to Chicago this weekend for my cousin's wedding reception (the one who got married in Vegas). Looks like I'll be hooking up with some old high school friends as well. It's gonna be pretty weird as I'm not the person I once was. It will be strange for them when they see me as the non-pothead with some direction. Of course I'm sure the past 5 years has put them further on their paths as well.

And then... 3 days in Brooklyn and I'm headed West for the weekend. I'm beginning to get excited about my move to LA. My boy G. just got a promotion and a second gig, so I'm more confident that he's read y to do this as well. I mean, I'm oging regardless. I want to, and I've already told everybody. But it's good to know I won't be going it alone this time.

In the silly people column today... Almost got into a scuffle with some fool at the corner store a week ago. He was rhyming outloud and being pretty shitty to the sandwich guy. Not cool, but not my biz. I was getting ready to pay for my sandwich and armful of neon colored drinks getting ready for a night of coding when dude steps outside and tosses a bottle.

I heard the bottle crash and got the mental picture of the sidewalk full of glass. The thought that these dudes behind the counter who I talk to every day would later have to clean that shit up annoyed the shit out of me. I mean I've done my share of dumb shit, but the complete disregard of others hits a sour note with me. I looked him dead in the eye and let out a demure "Man, that ain't cool." He had a triple take and decided it was time to be somebody.

It's one of those beautiful moments. Watching a man who's not quite sure how to maintain his reaction. I guess he figured white boy would back down at 'boo'. I've see nthat look. Shit, I've made that look. So I took a stepped forward in acknowledgement.

"So here you is coming out all slant eyed out the side of your face telling me how to be."

"Alright, stop the fucking cliche's, I didn't come out of the side of shit, I looked you dead in the eye and commented that shit wasn't cool. If you can break shit all over the sidewalk, I can comment on it being disrespectful."

"And who are you to tell--"

"Just some miscellaneous dude who thinks it's fucked up that you feel it's ok to break shit so other people will have to clean up after you."

And the 'conversation' went on and on about his bad day and who do i think i am and why i feel the need to say shit etc etc. More cliches about my demeanor flying at me every other sentence. Throughout, I'm looking him dead in the face, being forward but not forceful. I try to explain that I'm trying to hold a conversation as a man, but he doesn't seem to be up to the task.

Finally he starts walking towards the door talking about - man i think it's time we head outside. I told him if he's not bringing a broom to clean shit up that this has nothing to do with outside.

Why the fuck would somebody want to throw down to defend their own selfish stupidity. Pride can be a mothafucker.

I raised my hands in the "whatever" position... "fuck off man, whatever".

"Yeah I thought so"

Right, he's on top of it.

I paid the kid behind the counter, he smiled about the ordeal with a nod about how is was handled.

Ah well, it was a good laugh.