Wandering Gardener

2007-09-06 5:08 p.m.
Let's see...

The late-blooming Sunflower. Tallest in the fall, shimmering golden petals with hundreds of seeds eagerly awaiting their chance at new growth next season

The Black Orchid. Sexy and Smart. Dominant but sweet. Deep and mystical.

The Deep Red Rose. Thorns, long and sharp. Far too intriguing to avoid. At first glance, I ripped her from the ground and wiped my bloody hand on my shirt while running to put her in water. There's only so long one can hold on to such a specimen without losing too much blood.

The Orange and White Tulip. Swayed to the winds of music, overpowering beauty, strength and wisdom. My favorite daydream. I wanted to convince her that her life wouldn't be complete until our tenth child was born. All the others had already been part of my past and present, but I was going to convince her that she was the most important part of my future.

A few more daisies and lilacs had caught my attention from time to time, but these were my favorites. Not that I don't plan to visit their gardens on occasion, just that I no longer would attempt to stay for long.

It seems I've found good soil with plenty of sunlight and water. Something worth sticking with for a while.