2002-09-13 6:15 p.m.
Aloha... I hope all are having good weeks... mine's decent.

I actually wrote some long heart felt thing on the morning of the 11'th.. Deleted it and sent out a more honest letter to a bunch of people i care about (a decent sized list which was nice to recall - haven't talked to a lot of them in a while).

I got a really good response. Some with their own piece of thought or just a thanks for the smile.. It was a preferred letter as was the recieved responses. Preferred over the mushy things i've seen in my inbox. I'm not knocking them by any means, but the negativity starts to weigh in on ya.

It's always good to hear from people you haven't heard from in a while. I have just under a hundred people on my "close" contact list. All of whom I feel that I'm very close to in one way or another. And to have half of them reciprocate a feeling just makes my world a happy-fuzzy place to be. Not that I enjoy all fuzzy places, as some are better than others, but ... whatever.. .don't ask, I'm fuckin tired.

Basically the idea of the letter was to try and be positive instead of getting down. If at least for the people around you who need the positivity on the memorial day of shitty things.

I got my shnit from IKEA yesterday. Since I've decided to tough it out in this tiny apartment for another year, we spent our moving money on some furniture. Up til now my room (which I share, and the bedroom of the apartment is taken by a friend) consists of a bedroom set which i invested a good chunk for 5 years ago, my decks and speakers, my desk (big desk - as in professional office desk), and my TV. My girl had a tiny 4 drawer thing and a suitcase.

Don't give me that look, the situation was temporary, and ended up being more permanent than planned (more than I wanted it to be as well). So I chopped up my desk and tossed it and i'm sellin the bedroom set. Now I got a new wardrobe thing with clothes bars and mad drawers and shelves and shit, 2 smaller desks, and a bookshelf. as well as my stuff. So for the past two days, i've been putting it all together.

I enjoy putting furniture together. It's kinda like an easy puzzle that you actually get to use when you're done. But when you only have a couple feet of space to work with, it turns into a REALLY big headache. So I'm about 2/3 of the way done and still lookin to get rid of my bedroom set. Until then, we're more cramped, but more organized. Which is good tings.

So, as I'm mad tired and had to cancel a night out I was a bit grumpy until she hit me cheerily regarding the email. Since then, I've calmed down and actually smiled today. Good tings once again.. Muchos Thanksias.

Well, I gotta go talk to mr. smoke guy about getting some more. He invited my girl out to a party. Don't think he knows she was picking up my shit and not her own (as in she's with your other customer, fool). I actually told her to go and have a good time. Accept no dick, and call me if she's not coming home. I love her and all, but she's gotta get out more...

Besides getting hit on is always an ego trip regardless of sex. This guy sells, so he's got loot - as in he can buy her shit which i get to take advantage of...

Don't give me that look again.. I used to be in his shoes taking girls out regardless of whether they're tied down.. I used to even buy their boyfriends presents for occassions.. Doubt they would have enjoyed that fact, but personally, I say take full advantage. You woman is fine - and fine enough to get free shit. Take the free shit from the chump and remind her how great she is (not only verbally, of course) so that she doesn't spend more time with the chump and make you in to the chump, chump.

Just the name of the game.. Long as she comes home to me clean and mine, I'm a happy man. Besides, I treat my woman like the goddess she is. I know I'm good. I make sure of it. I work hard at it - and enjoy it... Dude's got no chance in hell.

And if I'm wrong, it'll hurt, but in the end I get my room back.

Until next time...