Bad News

2003-04-24 3:21 a.m.
Been a shitty week in news...

Private Jessica Rescue was bullshit.

US Soldiers Looting.

More Looting.

The RIAA has found their way above the law.

And Suddenly it's illegal to lock our digital doors. (Apologies that the link is anti, as in not neutral - too tired to look for neutral links)

There's a lot of shameful shit in the news right now, and due to the fact that it's hard to dig the signal out of the noise these past few days, I'm reluctant to comment on much of anything.

Alright fuck it... Legislative powers need to get the fuck out of corporate pockets and educate themselves regarding the technologies they are banning / allowing... Soldiers chose their profession and need to hold their shit down accordingly. We look bad enough as cowboys, thieving isn't helping anyone.... The news gotta report facts, and quit bullshittin.

All in all, the above links point to people in power abusing that power. I know things aren't normally perfect, but damn. We over run a country because of abusive power, and abuse power ourselves on a far lesser degree.

AND... AND.. why the FUCK is everyone so bent up on letting people speak their damned minds?!?! What the hell is so wrong with opposing a war?!! What's wrong with opposing our president, when he barely inched his way into this position?! Why can't I lock my damned door?! Why do I have to check 8 news sources to get an idea of what teh truth might be?!!

Where's the love, yo?!

There the fuck is the love?!

Ok, I've edited this twice, and calmed it down both times. I let my anger overrun my writing and it was basically silly foul mouthed gibberish. I'm not hating on soldiers, I'm hating on dudes stealing from a broke ass country. I'm not hating on all reporters, I'm hating on the fact that there is a word for "propaganda." And I'm not entirely hating on our legislative system, I'm hating on their ignorance to the issues they are attempting to seriously change.

on a lighter note go wish her a happy new beginning.