Thoughts and Excerpts

2005-11-30 7:04 a.m.
Not too much of substance for the moment. So here�s a bunch of thoughts, comments, excerpts and general bullshit from the past couple weeks�


N. It�s hard to imigi- uh- Imagine�.
T. Did you just say it�s hard to a midget?


A. All I need in life is an outdoor fireplace and a driver
T. You could just get a barbecue grill and a Mexican

(bonus points, the girl to my left who I�d just met MIGHT have been Mexican, and also probably had no idea I was as well. Regardless, with any luck, she had to restrain herself from calling me a racist pig)


T. What was dudes name?
N. Um� Shit yo� I know it�s� Well it�s definitely not Cletus


T: i hate people
S: any particular reason this time?
T: nope.. very general hatred
S: any catalyst?
T: work
S: someone's being an asshole?
T: everyone
T: every last one
T: all the babies
T: all the rabbis
T: all the yodelers
T: all the people who make wine
T: all the sailors
T: all of em
T: the whole lot is a bunch of bastards

S: but tis poetic?
T: fuck poets too


Fuck anybody who might happen to be so caught up in their own bullshit that they don�t even know how to feed themselves.


Strangely enough, you don�t really start feeling used until someone stops using you.


Miscellaneous mothafucker years ago:
�Man, you can�t just call everyone. You need to let them come to you.�

Same miscellaneous mothafucker a few weeks later while wasted at one of my parties:
�Everybody seems to know you. How the hell do you know so many people?�

I suppose that answers itself...

It was a pretty normal occasion to have made 50 to 100 phone calls in a couple days, almost all with decent and meaningful conversation.

I used to make a lot of damned phone calls. I used to call EVERYONE on the holidays ranging from people I�d known for years to people I�d just met the other day. I used to invite everyone personally to every party. I�d flip through my old green leather phone book from cover to cover and catch up, invite, give happy wishes, cheer up, calm down, talk in to and talk out of. Anyone I missed would call within the next couple days without fail.

I�m not sure why I don�t like the phone so much anymore. I believe I lost my love for it when cell phones became ubiquitous. Strangely enough I was one of the first people I knew who killed off a landline and had only a cell phone.

There was a time when you called someone, you knew they were at home chillin�. If they had people over, they would offer to call you back some other time. Now with a cell phone in every pocket and the complete lack of sense about the appropriate time to be on the phone, you never know what the hell you�re calling in the middle of, but it�s likely the quality of the conversation will be low.

I know it�s gotten to the point where when someone picks up the phone in the middle of your conversation with them, it�s not as personal a statement as it once was. That doesn�t make it ok. You have caller id. You have voicemail. You have an �end� button that sends a caller straight to voicemail. You have text messaging. You have the ability to excuse yourself after the current conversation is over to return the phone call. You REALLY do NOT need to pick up the phone to hear about what shoes so and so just bought or what wall so and so just rocked. Enjoy present company or don�t keep the company present.

It�s a pretty normal occasion for me to send 70 � 100 text messages in 5 minutes all with short and hardly sensible gibberish.