Fuck Utah

2003-10-02 3:14 p.m.
so my trip has been lengthened. Unfortunately, that's an unfortunate thing.

where to begin... i suppose LA will do... hmm.. couple days before LA.

So we finally left the SF area after being around for about a week. MY cousin's was great, and all was well, cept for my eyes. We started down the 1 which was gorgeous, but it took like 3 hours to get about 90 miles, so we switched to the horribly stench-filled 101.

During this drive, dealing with the odor (pronounced oh dear), my eyes started fucking with me something terrible. I mean they were a bit irritated while at my cousins, but now even headlights fucked em up. I slept most of the drive hoping it would go away, but no luck. After we got to LA and settled in G. hit a bar to meet up with the cats we were staying with and I knocked out.

Come morning, I couldn't see a thing. Foggy. Like if i had a layer of skin over my right eye. So I woke G. up: "Yo, It's only 7. We don't have to go now, but when you get up we need to hit the hospital. Na I'm fine, just can't see, so wake me up when you get up."

Hit the 'mergency room later that Sunday morning, got some drugs and went on our way.. i was couch bound til Tuesday. It was pretty surreal as I've no idea what everyone looked like. The guy we stayed with was an old high school friend, but he looked completely different. I've no clue what his girl and roomates look like, but I know thier voices well.

Went back Tuesday and he took a closer look. Put some dye in my eye and went to it with a blue light. Then he stpped back like "WOW!!". huh? wow? can you be a bit more specific doc? "Here's a mirror can you see how..." Doc, I can't see, and especially not with that light in my eye. "Nurse, get ___ on the line and get Tac in right away. Ok, Tac, I want you to go to this address right away to have them look at this... eye specialist.. blah, blah."

So we get to the specialist and the nurse dyes my eye and flashes a light in it. "Oh my!!" "Oh wow!!".

These people have to work on their poker faces yo.

Doc comes... You have scratched corneas. Take these drugs, buy these drugs, if you're not better on Friday come back. Fuck that, I'm broke. Bought the drugs and more couch time.

Still was dope though.. good late night arguements about one chick's ex-boyfriend and Ahhnould and some other shit. They had a vaporizor, which if you've never tried one, i HIGHLY reccommend it. Best weed smoking ever.

So I could not see anyhting for 5 days. Last I'd seen had a great mind, big brown eyes and a beautiful behind, so i didn't mind being blind for a bit. Very surreal actaully. Walking around someone elses apartment like a blind man, listening to everything.

So we left LA and hit vegas for 6 hours of insanity and money loss. We killed a quarter of shrooms on the way in and they rolled in as the lights surrounded us. Smoked a joint and proceeded to drink as much free liquor as we could get our hands on while throwing our last 120 bones into the big money machine called vegas. Stumbling casino to casino, slot to slot, waitress to waitress, table to table. A couple wasted freaks. Last hour, G. hit up the coffee. We stumbled (my swerve was far heavier by then) to the car and set out to Boulder.

A few hours later (a couple short rest stop later as well), we were pulled over in Utah for going 83 in a 75. If you drive much you know that's fucked already. They tell G. they're gonna search the car and he told them they can't. 2 minutes later, K-9 shows up. Sniffs around, pounds on my door for a sec.

So now we're roadside and after about 5 minutes they find about a joint's worth of shake under the mat. and then proceed to take 3 weeks worth of camping gear, clothes, cooler, garbage, etc out on the desert road and sift through it. Taking the dog through the car, attempting to see if the seatrs come up or the door comes off.

Meanwhile the Sheriff is driving up. They cuff us for a few, then uncuff us and have us reload the car. I ride shotgun with the Sheriff and G. follows. Luckily they didn't impound the car, just left it in the lot. Sat us in a holding cell, and then pulled me out. Left G. with the herioin addict suffering withdrawal.

"OK, New York, make your calls, get yourself outa here." So I made my calls... Unfortunately cell phones don't take collect and I've no land lines for anyone who can help. Talked them into letting me use their phone, which wouldn't let me call my boy R, or anyone in NY for whatever reason. So I called Chicago to have people call NY.

They walked me into another holding cell, which in my opinion is like being locked in a bathroom with concrete slabs to lay on. The door opens, and A huge bald brown man with a lot of tats jumps up beating his slab and blanket screaming "What are they gonna do to me!?!?!"

Fuck. With him? Suddenly images are flippign through my mind.. all the times I've thrown down with guys bigger than me. I mean, I can't boast a no-losses record, but I can hold my shit down... Alright... confident (about a 2 second process - seemed like 2 minutes). I spit out a "what up man" as I sat back on my slab ready to wait out the bullshit.

20 minutes later they came with dinner, and dude came at me with his story. He got caught smoking a joint with his girl and some other chick. They searched his car, and then his hotel room ON THE OTHER SIDE OF TOWN and found a couple pounds of herb and some meth. He's looking at 10 years / $15k bail. Fuck.

OF course every time I've been locked up, I've found a similar occurrence I've never really agreed with. Cats like to spit out their whole story and then they ramble on about other hustles they have and haven't been caught up for.

I try to only talk about my current shit, and keep all other incriminating shit to a minimum. I mean why give up all your shit to people you don't know who were stupid enough to get caught up like you. Just as well, who knows what they're listening to and ready to use in court against you. But time and time again, I get tehir lifetime criminal drama, and I listen as I'm known to do, and just give some minimal shit about my business.

About 5 hours later they moved homeboy out. They were steadily trying to get his girl in the next cell over to rat on him, which was shitty. Another hour later, G. and the heroin addict came into my cell. Now, me and G. are close. But it don't matter how close you are, hearing somebody hit the toilet is just fucking wrong. And he had to hit it 3 times. I had to torture him twice. Terrible.

And i had to suffer through the other guy's struggle. And yes it sounded like a fucking struggle. Ew. Dude looked like he was about 40. Turned out he was 25.

So after 18 hours and $550 in bail each we hit the road. Vouched not to leave the car til we were out of Utah. OK, one stop for gas was necessary, but otherwise, fuck UT.

So no phone and using a bag of $23 in change for gas money we headed out to Boulder. Since my phone was dead it had to be a surprise.

It just so happened it was the night they (3 girls we stayed with at our first stop) were cooking dinner for their boyfriends. Big dinner, dessert and all. Damn. Gotta be an awkward situation. So we were just like yo, we just got outa jail, just need your shower and to charge our phone for a couple calls and we out.

But now, they are the sweetest lil' potheads in the world and they insisted we stay. After about 10 minutes, the boyfriends, and the girls and us are laughing and having a blast. Saved ourselves from the awkwardness. I still think G. has a chance to hit one, but that's on some other shit.

We grabbed breakfast the next morning after the boyfriends left. I got $800 that's been owed to me for the longest, so we could get home (and back to Utah later), and we were onm our way back to Chicago. By this point I could almost completely see once the sun was down. So I drove the last 5 hours. By the morning I could see in the light, and all was well.

So now we're back with the people I love so. On Monday we're gotta head out for Wednesday court in Utah, and if you don't hear from me for a while after that, it's because I'm locked up and writing letters to newspapers and shit about how the Criminal Justice System is failing us and ruining our lives instead of helping.

I've actaully written out an entry about our stay in Reno, which I'll get up here sooner or later, cuz that was mad fun.

I'm gonna go kick it with my parents (seperately as it's never any fun talking over their arguements), and call up C. cuz I'm in SERIOUS need of some affection.

Now, I'm still a good boy, but female attention has been a bit scarce along this trip. It's been a month and a half and my blood is boiling. Hmm.. may have to call S. too. I just need a hug or few damnit. Some flirtin... Some god damned eye contact!!! Some sexual awkwardness based on boyfrinds, girlfriends, sex we may have had in the past and the heat of the moment... from someone who isn't a drunk stranger preferrably.