Happy 2007

2007-01-01 5:34 p.m.
Excerpt from email to RS about last night�


Went to some apartment party which wasn't too bad. DJ backed up by live congos. Same dj's and musicians who usually play at [Salsa Bar / Club in Williamsburg]. My boy Z was on the cowbell, I grabbed the stick from him and played my beer bottle, which was rather special.

After that, ended up at a place called [hip hop spot on the Lower East Side] across the street from [Smoking Bar]. Started ordering a round for everyone...

"Black Label, Rocks, 2 Rum and Cokes, 2 Bass's and a Guinness"

"No Black Label"

"Ok, Chivas"

She starts handing me beers and i hand them out.

"Well, we have Black Label, but you have to buy it"

"What do you mean? Like, buy a bottle?"

"No, no, it's just not part of the open bar."

"WHAT?!?!? Open Bar?!?!?"

"for the next 15 minutes"

Yelped a "Happy New Year", kissed her on the cheek, slapped down a $20 for preferred service and stocked up on about a day's worth of booze. Eventually, everyone went downstairs to dance so I snuck away and stumbled across the street to [Smoking bar] (which has reopened) to have a shot with the cute Romanian bartender. Decided not to head back to the other spot, and just texted farewell.

Stumbled to [the bar from the night before] to meet up with MS and A who are in town from LA� We went for breakfast, but A was done for. Passed out on my lap. Got it to go, helped MS carry A up and went for a solo walk dodging drunks and eating my mushroom and cheddar omlet as it was an absolutely beautiful morning - well if you're a fan of warm(ish) and raining.

Wanted to stick around for sunrise, but it would have been another hour and the booze was wearing off.


Great night with great people. Perfect way to start the year. Happy New Year!