
2005-12-23 1:14 p.m.
Much Better�

So yeah, bad day yesterday. My holiday plans were officially a dead end as of yesterday. I needed one of three things to happen right and the past 2 months of promises would have been fulfilled. All three went in flames, all with a �Merry Christmas� wish soon after. And how can you snap on someone for fucking you over when they�re just trying to get out of the office and get home to enjoy the holiday?

And well, they didn�t fuck me over. They�re just not sending me my shit til after the holidays. It�s on me for not having what I need to make it home and out east.

Truthfully, I�m happy to be here for the holiday. Shit, 70 degrees (21 C) on Christmas day is no joke.

It isn�t some mad escape from LA that kept me motivated. I�ve made a bunch of promises to people for this holiday. I�ve been avoiding a lot of people, which I planned to make up for by the holiday. I�m not so vein that I figure these people will live horrible lives sans my presence. I�m not referring to promises of crazy nights and expensive dinners or similar bullshit.

No, it�s promises like hanging with L who�s been dealing with some serious shit in her life lately that she hasn�t been able to talk to many people about, and going to meet E�s 2nd baby boy (another November kid � E being my closest cousin � more like an older brother), and seeing J�s new place in NY and see her new family is getting along. I hate to miss out on very real shit for very bullshit reasons.

So, yeah, I wanted to torch those whole fucking block yesterday in the depths of utter self-disappointment. And now, well� I feel better. It took about 5 hours for the creases in my forehead to dissipate. And my knuckles are still a little sore from being clenched all day. Sure, I feel like I got in a nasty bar fight yesterday, in which I was in the wrong, but now I�m all good. I only get really pissed a couple times a year, so we�ll just mark this one off and move on.

I�m looking forward to a dope Christmas dinner tomorrow. I might still make it to NY for new years, but I doubt it. And so, I�m looking forward to enjoying that here, too.

So� yeah� that�s it� Have an incredible Holimas!