
2002-09-06 1:56 p.m.
Before i begin, Happy Birthday...

Recovery is the worst part about a night out. Recovery is fucking hell. You would think that the more hangovers you get the less excrutiatingly painful they would be... but no.. they grow as you grow.

They learn to pinpoint the exact location within your head and stomach in which they will deal the most pain. They know exactly which side of your face to slam into the invisible concrete right next to your pillow.

One thing I will say, is since all the recent drama, my girl is a lot nicer to me about coming home drunk than she used to be. More understanding. Happy I came home, I guess.

Iwas actually beginning to forget about all that mess, but the cats I drank with last night reminded me of the other side of the story, and gave me some gossip i wasn't really interested in. Asked a few questions, bought me some drinks, all is well.

What good is a free burrito and drinks without an interrogation from your boys? Actually, I honestly didn't mind as much as i usually do in that their versions of my story were pretty damned twisted... Almost as twisted as my head muscle is at the moment.

About 4 years back I saved up all my DJ and weed money (and other money from various sources) and along with lots of obscene nights out.. or in... i bought a bedroom set worth just under 2K. Although I've never really given a damn about any items or objects, to the point that I've lost peoples respect for my apathy towards objects, I've really been attached to this furniture..

I mean, this is the bed that has gotten me fame. No, not like that... well, sorta. There are so many women that brag of the comfortability of this bed, it's amazing. It's like an ego trip without the stress of clinic visits. Im speaking, of course, of all the women I'v eshared this bed with, without making moves...

And then there are the beautiful and special few who I've made many moves with in this bed. And I take pride in how low THAT number actually is. And yes, sometimes, especially in dry periods while showering... I would have liked to add those many others to the list, but what the hell... I'm clean and happy with a decent rep.

Anyway, back to the bed... I'm selling the set. The decision came long and harsh, and I've decided to keep the bed. By far the most comfortable bed ever. I've proven many wrong with the arguement.. and if i wasn't sharing it at the moment, I'd prove it... As a matter of fact, I bet the bed is the only reason she's still with me.

So I'm keeping the bed.. and the girl for now... (Who am I kidding, for as long as she's willing to keep my ass).. But I gotta sell this ill bedroom set. It wil suck, but I gotta make room in here before I end up tosssing my other roomate on the street just to the extra 10 feet of apartment space.

Saw Van Wilder this morning, and surprisingly the laughter was welcomed in that my slammed cranium allowed it. And thank the water fairies for placing a gallon of water and 2 tylenol next to the bed for when i woke up. So the movie was ok. If you don't expect anything from it, it turns out to be decent. Showtime was decent too...

Gotta go and get more sleep.