minor conversations

2002-08-30 3:17 p.m.
So last week, I went out with this kid R who still hangs out with P who I had a big falling out with cuz I messed around on T with her and confessed to everything...

R is cool people. I shared an office with him while doing some web work for a magazine. Dude's like 40, but looks 26. He knows mad old school skaters and likes to drink cheap liquor. So we were tight for a while. Hanging about 3 times a week.

After my drama, I disappeared for a bit to set my priorities straight (as in leave the current girl before fucking around to be fair and respectful). I didn't have time to play with silly girlies who like sleeping with other people's men anyways. I got a hustle to run.

So After my 6 week sabattacle, R hits me like yo, lets grab a couple $2 bottles of rum and order club sodas all night. (That's not what he said, but that's the definition) Which is my kind of evening. Good liquor, pretty bar people, old frend (-ish) all for $4. So during our chill session, I ask him about P, just to make sure that EVERYTHING is over. I don't want to deal with that ho again, and I gotta know that I won't have to.

He tells me yeah, all's well. Her name is gone for the evening... Commence conversations with other bar patrons in very little clothing. No, I'm not messing around, nor is R (he's actually kinda sorta tied down as well, not like me but he is). But practice is of utmost importance. As is making new friends.

So, twas a good night, we call it an early one, split ways, I get pulled into another bar cuz it's bartender's last night and he requires me to have a couple.

So I've got a good buzz and need NO MORE liquor in that my night's basically done anyways. This guy's showin off his drink makin. Grabs two bottles in each hand and makes a Long Island with a drop of coke. Fine... But I don't drink anynore nor have I eaten much for the day. I taste.. Familiar taste (dangerous) so my brain tells me.. all good, continue.

I got quieter and quieter, somehow ended up with bartender's replacements number (cute spanish chick), somehow ended up in brooklyn, walked a really long walk home. Watched my food go by, nursed a hangover.

Now next day, I'm working from bed cuz I can hardly move. I've put shit in front of every window, and it's practically pitch black and silent besides key taps and miles davis. This is my hangover...

So I head to the bathroom. I get back and I have 2 IM windows with really nasty language directed towards me. How P's life is so wonderful without me etc, etc... I didn't bother reading any further than line 3, closed em and went to sleep.

If ya fucked a guy, then threatened his girl, then made a real ass of yourself about the whole deal, do you REALLY think the guy gives a flying fuck about you? Think he'll respond? Think he's asking about you cuz you're still cute?

No.. he don't want to pay child support to a rich, spoiled, struggle-to-be-ghetto, proud-to-be-a bitch. AND he don't got child support.. as in drop dead bitch.. You had a good deal, and a good friend, and you flipped.

So, I laughed it off, figured I probably don't want to talk to R for a while cuz that shit annoys the fuck out of me. I'm not talking bout bein secretive or no shit. But why the fuck does some trick hear about our every day conversation? Silly shit that doesn't need to be passed along.

I don't hold grudges or anyhthing, it's just a minor decision not to go out of my way to talk to this cat. Kind of like flagging the guy for future reference, but not really changing perspective about him. So he hit me 2 days later like sorry, didn't know the bitch would trip (she must have told him or something, i guess), I won't say shit to her about you anymore.

Now, I never told hime he was subconciously flagged or anything. He knew he should have shut his mouth about minimal conversation. He apologized. And I'm gonna have a drink with him tonight.

Ok, so nothing insightful... But it was fun to tell...
