apatment vultures

2002-08-29 11:54 a.m.

Apartment hunting really bites a flabby nipple. Although I don't have the issues that this cutie has (I hope you find something ch), I do have to try to find something worthwhile, under $1400 for 3 people...

Now in Chicago My spot was the same size as my current one for $350. 5 heads over all the time, never gave a shit, cuz it was only me. HERE, I'm paying a little under a grand for this tiny little place, and since the money's slow, I'm sharing with my girl and her best friend.

And THAT is no picnic. I'm an only child, a hard worker, a flipped in the head artist type with serious morality issues.. I like aLONE... Not as in LONER, but as in a place to expand my mind to the size of the room without anyone in the room for my mind to bump in to.

THIS is why my posts are shitty, why I can't motivate for work, why i can't write or draw anymore, why my relationship is stormy with no sign of cloud clearance, this is why i went out for 3 months straight going nuts while leaving my sweetie at home, this is why i messed around, this is why I'm so fucking tired.

And with all this bullshit spinning above my nose, i have to deal with shit heads offering closet space for the price of a full fucking mortgage payment and expecting me not to laugh when they tell me the price.

Oh and I laugh long and hard in every fucking rentor's face when they tell me, Oh i know its cozy, but the location makes it worth it. In two years, blah, blah, blah... Fuck 2 YEARS!!! I want to move NOW!!! And fuck cozy, its a CRIB, literally!!!

And FUCK YOUR LOCATION... more on that in a minute.

I'm really tired of THIS shit... Everybody's looking at me all hard cuz I'm a light man with a dark woman. The audacity of this motha fucka to be in our neighborhood with one of our women?!! It's not YOUR woman, she's not even MY woman, she is A WOMAN with a mind and a choice, and I've been chosen... Not for my skin, or for my loot (i got none), or my status (left that behind a long time ago). Matter of fact, I'm not sure WHY she's in love with me.. but she is.

Now, I'm blowing the last point up a bit, but don't bullshit me about it. I been in the game for 23 years, on both sides of the conversation. I know what the fuck the look means. Especially when it's on every male face on the block. And I say FUCK YOU, your ignorant bullshit, and the silly thoughts that are flipping through your head about me not hitting it right...

Oh, I'm hitting it so well, that she hasn't even noticed you're outside you're house. She ain't lookin at how much darker you are and considering things.. she hasn't noticed. She's not as shallow as yourself, sir.

No need for the ill look partna, I'm straight... I'm not fuckin up yo women or yo neighborhood or any of the other bullshit you want to pounce on me for. I am not the man, nor am i tryin to be the man... I AM trying to get the fuck out of this "cozy" apartment and this "up-and-coming" neighborhood!

Up-And-coming is so damned funny out here too. It's called GENTRIFICATION, shithead. Call it like it is. The rich white move out the poor dark cuz it's "trendy". I KNOW.. I've been part of the poor dark in that equation for 95% of my life. Don't tell me how the neighborhood is getting better. I'm sure it was fine before you bought the building, and besides the dirty looks I'm getting MOSTLY based on YOUR midset about the place getting "better", this seems like a decent neighborhood.

What makes you think i want to live in a neighborhood with a bunch of uppity money makers trying to get a deal and "dealing" with the community while it "comes up"? You want the neighborhood to come up? Teach and employ the people already here. Treat them like neighbors and not nuissance.

So yet again, I walk away from a rentor laughing. I think the REAL issue here is that not enough people laugh in rentor's faces. Not enough people are laughing at brokers when they try to charge the tenant. They just grin and bare it. No, you're right, $1400 isn't too much for this trunk space. I can almost fit a futon in here, and I'll sleep in the hallway. thanks for fucking me raw minus lube, sir.. Oh, and you're right Mr. broker. You have the right to charge me, because you're not helping the landlord sell the place, you're helping me find it... FUCK YOU.

Laugh in their face. Tell them to quit bullshitting. If everyone did this, then rent would be NORMAL, brokers would charge the LANDLORDS like their supposed to, and my life as well as the two others crammed into this storage space with windows would be a lot more comfortable and livable.

OK.. I'm a bit more at ease now. I may actually even be able to get some work done!! Motivation is a real commodity these days, and my rations are slim.

Cutihoney, once again.. good luck. And I hope the baby stays healthy... Steph, cheer up - let him go... La, LIVE woman... if at least for your distant admirers??? Sarong, keep playin them records...

Um, yeah..