
2007-03-31 6:24 a.m.
A few years back, I was made to feel old by my plentiful usage of the word 'dope'. Of course, I was only 22 at the time, but I caught quite a bit of flack for using the word so often. Stubbornly I used it more often, but over time decided, fine... I'll shake it.

The rough part of such a thing is that 'dope' was such a universal word. I started switching it with anything. I'd pause for a half a beat every time I was excited about something or had the urge to express how great or amazing or wonderful or incredible or not-Bad-meaning-Bad-but-Bad-meaning-Good something was.

I got the habit down pretty well. Had a good collection of 'good' words and only used 'dope' when rarely warranted. But it seems the habit of leaning towards a specific word has stuck with me. So for some stretch of time (few months? year? hard to tell, I only notice after a while), I took a liking to 'phenomenal'.

The best part of this little exercise is that I got to start using incredibly odd and rarely used words with some regularity. Somewhat similar to the fools who attempt an aura of intelligence through asinine utilization of an extraneous vocabulary, but a hell of a lot more fun. I hadn't noticed that phenomenal was in such heavy rotation until a girl I was talking to at the time began stressing the word. Then I noticed everyone around me using it... sometimes as an inside joke about my odd usage of the word, but then nonchalantly when they weren't paying attention.

I was surrounded by the word. I had to stop using it. A few months later I'd noticed I was hearing the word 'fantastic' quite a bit. Eventually I noticed I was hearing it much in the same way as phenomenal. People would say things to me and literally pause awaiting my odd but excited "fanTAStic." People would recite it to me if I'd disappointed the moment. I know it sounds stupid but this shit was really happening. NE (old roommate) eventually included it into his own day-to-day conversation regardless of my presence as did a few others.

And so, it's time to move on... And recently, I've noticed my latest a bit earlier than usual...

Anyways. It's gonna be a long and busy weekend. Finally recovered from a nasty bout of food poisoning... Worked my ass off since and this is my first momentary break in 2 days. Too wired to sleep, too much to do to sleep long.

It's 6am, I'm watching Wednesday's Daily Show, eating flour-spawned pancakes for dinner before a 2 hour nosedive into dreamland.

And That, my magnificent, melodramatic mates, is Fucking Magical.

(came back for a quick update - Wilmore and Oliver's segment on the Daily show about banning the word 'Nigger' gave me the giggle)