Things might be good

2004-03-19 1:04 p.m.


Just made the most incredible meal the other night. I'm talking about it now, 1. because I'm still eating it. 2. because I go into somewhat of a dream state every time i take a bite.

So as i mentioned I made some tortillas the other day, which came out alright. Well, that lil break from my desk inspired a full night of hookin shit up.

Hooked up a couple lbs of steak for fajitas (marinated in jalepenos, cumin, onion, oil, whatever else), some freah guacamole, some more home made tortillas (much better this time), some refried beans (damn damn damn... so good), some of the family secret rice, and osme of the family secret salsa.

So I was out drinkin with A. last night talking about world domination and good music production (he's a producer, and a damned good one at that). And I had to just stop and rush home to have some. That good. Ended up saying fuck the train and grabbed a cab. That good. Had like three and passed out with a beer in my hand and a big ol smile on my face. That good.

And I still have enought to feed us for about a week.

Also, I finally finsihed up this huge flash based app I've been working on all month. It's had my head in a twist, and I'm sooo fucking excited that it's all over. Now I have a few clients to pick and choose from. Should I go for the New York Publisher of many well known magazines? Should I go for the pro designer with new clients every week? Maybe some smaller jobs so I'll get them done quicker...

When all you can complain about is a stomach full of damned good home made mexican food (of thine own creation) and making a decision between people who want to give you money, things might be good. It's about god damned time.