Mmm Cherries

2004-05-18 1:10 a.m.
If you're not very interested in reading worthless babble, then stop here. Just writing whatever comes to mind....

Just a chill day today. Kickin back, eating cheries all day. I've been in the kitchen quite a bit the past few days.

Switched the breakfast from lucky charms to total with a shitload of fruit every morning. I'll tell you now, total, on it's own, is like chewing paper. Actaully paper has a bit more flavor to it. But when you drop in some sliced up strawberries, bannana, blueberries and raspberries, it's the perfect breakfast. So damned good.

Been doing the same with some plain yogurt for snacks. Not that I'm ultra anal about everything that enters my body, but being able to keep track of a good portion of it just feels better.

Last night, I made some chicken with whole wheat pasta and a white sauce (with some jalepeno monterey jack mixed in.. sooo damned good). And the morning before, some a few blueberry blintzes, a few cheese blintzes, and my damned good plain ol pancakes.

So damned good.

I've stopped watching carbs, but I'm still watching over calories and potions and all that. I still can't seem to slow my eating down. Old habits die really hard.

I'm really starting to enjoy all this time in the kitchen. I really wish my kitchen was larger than a damned closet, but I figure if I'm making hot shit with such limited space now, I should really rock shit when I have an actual counter top.

I've been keeping up with my daily 3 - 4 mile walks, too. I haven't been losing any weight (fluctuating from 223 - 228), but I feel a lot better, and I'm sleeping a lot better too. I think I've finally gotten into the habit of paying attention to my food, which has taken me at least a year. Minor accomplishment to some, huge in my twisted lil world.

Work's been good too...

Got a call the other day for a damned good amount per hour gig. It's from the big industry cat I met last year. It was hard for me to hold in the excitement. Had to keep my cool on the phone like, "Yeah, sounds good man, when's the deadline? Alright cool, and when are you sending me the spec? Good... and the budget? Perfect." When in my head I was like "HOW MUCH?!!? WORD?!?! HEEEYYYEEAAAALLL YYYEEEEAAAAAHHH." Am I worth it? Well, with how much time I put into what I do, I would say so.

Speaking of what I do, a funny lil thing happened the other day. A whole bunch of us were out for the night, and I stepped over to a couple friends talking to a couple other people. They were commenting on how great it was that we all hung out together all the time, and my friends mentioned that I brought it all together...

"Oh wow, you must be pretty wild to get so many people together all the time. do you party alot?"

"Er.. not really, just like hangin out"

"Hangin out?! Please, what do you do"

"Um.. Hang out, chill, you know."

"I mean for a job, what do you do?"

"uh, web developer."

"Like for a big company?"

"Nope, just me."

"... um. ok. Not like a promoter or anything?"

"Nope.. not really."

And then the conversation just kinda dies down. I know what you're thinking, "Tac doesn't big himself up every chance he gets?" Nope, not my style. Well, sometimes, but only if I know you, and I happen to be buying for the night (covering bill = inflated ego).

On here I'm arrogant, and I talk about myself all day. Cuz, well, this is my damned journal. Elsewhere, if I'm not being blandly honest in such conversations, it's usually something closer to claiming my position as "a bum", "a drunk" or the ever so snazzy "Custodial Engineer".

Ok, blabbering over. Worthless post, I know, but I didn't want that somber previous post to be on the front page anymore.

A summary of something actaully worth reading (if you got this far you MUST be bored)

Stop in and remind her how absolutely significant she is.

Go offer her the well needed headrub (but don't mention the rows - i say you pick it out, pearl).

Wish her some luck with her changing emotional and financial situations (and a happy belated Mother's day).

Make sure to let her know how incredible her writing is (read some if you don't believe me).

Congratulate her on staying strong, but leaving room in her heart for some international love.

Remind her that she's sweet enough and should lay off all that damned candy.

Give her a hint to which door happiness hides behind, as it can be easily forgotten.

I don't know where the hell she's been, but she's missed.

Give her some support before she lays a well deserved smack down.

Give her a hand remembering that a big bed is a great bed. You can roll around, and jump and make forts and um... invite others.

And she gets the blush for unexpectedly resetting the clock (congrats).

Damn, I'm outa cherries.