Well Wrung

2005-06-08 4:13 p.m.
Alright, so that last one was pretty fucking dramatic. I was drunk and sad. I could�ve said �damn, I�m sure glad that bitch is finally gone,� but I sure as hell wouldn�t have meant it. The truth is, she devoured my entire weekend and I wouldn�t have had it any other way. The fact that I actually started and finished an entire project while she was here amazes me. I hardly even remember putting a single thought towards it.

I deliberately got obliterated last night. I needed to wring the sap out so I could be functional today and catch up on all the shit I ignored this past week. I guess this distance thing is good. I get so intensely involved when I�m interested in a person. I drop from functional retard to just plain retarded.

I finally got to see a bit of the city this weekend. We didn�t really do the tourist thing, but rather drove by the touristy areas. More my fault, I�m sure � as I�m a professional lazy ass. So lazy in fact that I�m capable of bringing out the lazy in the most motivated of individuals.

A stopped in on Friday and hooked up the ill gifts. I was so happy that she came through, even if it was only for an hour or so. Unfortunately I already broke one of the wine glasses she gave me. I told her I probably would, and on the same day at that. I�m such a clumsy fuck.

I seem to be getting my entire summer booked with work. It�s pretty exciting in the excited-to-get-work kinda way. I have a few ideas that I�m going to need time to implement and ponder, so I�m trying to schedule some bullshitting time for some freedom. I�m also hoping to start this mural project on my walls. It should take at least a year to finish. I should probably use a canvas of some sorts, but there�s something so enticing about drawing straight on the wall.

Fuck it.. I need a break. Been pounding away like my hangover since 9 this morning.