Definitely Indecisive

2000-06-28 01:24:17
You know, it's real hard to not be indecisive and to be open at the same time. I mean how can you sound open when you scream 'Turn this shit off!!! How the fuck can you play such horrible music??' That's not a very open statement. and you can't really say 'Well, I'll listen to just about anything. Just play it and i might like it.'

I guess the latter sounds a bit more humane, but nowhere near as funny and it just doesn't seem as attractive. It seems like the kind of thing you say when you're in a quiet, shy, or embarrassed mood and you don't know anyone in the room. It doesn't sound very 'take control.'

To hold a good balance between taking control and staying open to new things is a battle that i have just today realized that i've been fighting furiously for about 8 years now. So i've decided to stay open to EVERYTHING and then yell at anyone that throws on ANY music. It makes me seem like a hypocrytical asshole, but it's fun...