Toons, Plaques, and Women

2000-06-26 23:14:55
What a shit day. I'm not really too sure why. It was just one of them days in which i felt it was important that I ripped someones nuts off and shoved them into their eyesockets for grins and giggles. I think i watched too much Tom & Jerry as a kid.

What the fuck ever happened to our good old violent cartoons anyways? Every time i turn on cartoons, which is NOT very often considering i don't have a tv, all that exists are terribly drawn babies with bad jokes and the live acting teens in colorful suits fighting really badly costumed monsters.... Where the fuck are the sly cats and mice, and the ass whoopings and the shit talking and the cartoons with children AND adult humor?

Where bugs convincing the gun toting robbers to cheer for him as he fucks them up and gets away... or hopping around fucking with elmer... or woody woodpecker with his terrible laugh and stupid antics... Or tom & Jerry with the craziest mouse trap inventions and greatest chases with amazing sound effects.... You know... the ones with the boomp boomp boomp boomp when they tip toe, or the slam of a two by four in tom's face... Those sounds were classic.

And why the fuck does everyone beg for summer in the winter and then cry about hot weather? 85 degrees is fucking gorgeous... And like it or not, it sure as fuck beats 10 degrees. And although I can do without the humidity, I will still take the scorching heat over the dead and dirty slushiness of winter.

What else.. hmmm... I got some more shit from the poetry competition scam. They are trying to sell me the book i'm going to be published in... i GUESS that COULD be seen as alright... but ... well... FUCK THAT... my shit got published.. at least give me a free fucking copy. I mean, my writing is part of what made the book considering you're publishing it, isn't it? Scheisty bastards... and the'yr trying to sell me a $30 plaque with my own poem on it that says i got published. For what?!?! and aren't plaques supposed to be given!? What the fuck?

Hmm... finally... our absolutely fantasically gorgeous model/dancer temporary receptionist is gone for good. Intelligent (in school.. even taking summer classes), independant (two jobs... nurse with an organization and a nurse on her own time) sweet, beautiful (model and dancer, pronounced skinny with a nice ass), and taken.... Of course... completely in love. Now i never expected or really wanted to turn her head from her man. I'm not one to split a relationship. NEVER... i hate that shit.. anyone that hopes for the end of a good relationship is a jealous and sick fuck. But it would have been fairly convenient if their relationship had taked a suden nosedive within the week. We hit it off well though. I hope we can at least chill, being that she was a really great person.

Well... I have some beer and a cigarette to take down to help get this mysterious edge off. Make the summer a great one.