WNBA and JailTime

2000-07-02 00:52:14
What a long weekend... A good one... but long.

A friend came to town from my hometown. I've never really been too close with him. We have a strictly computer knowledge based friendship. I mean we talk about other things and we've smoked and drank a few together for years. But the only conversations we ever have that have any notable worth have to do with technology. It was still chill to party with him, nonetheless.

Let's see.. what else. Oh, I saw a WNBA game at the garden yesterday. I found out recently that a friend of mine from HS is a dancer for the NY Liberty. So 2 free tickets and a couple drinks later i was scrunched into a seat at the Garden next to her boyfriend and a friend of theirs. I've never seen a WNBA game before, but with all the hype surrounding the league i was pretty interested. I'm not much for sports. I don't know player stats or any shit like that, but live sports always have some good energy to them. Anyways, I was pretty disappointed. I mean, some of the players were good, but i think it's still got a ways to go. I REALLY felt like i was watching a HS Junior Varsity game or something. Well, I hope to see it get better considering i now have a hook up to see games for free. At any rate the crowd was pretty excited which made it that much better. At times you could hardly hear yourself scream. which is a good thing at a bball game.

A bartender at one of my regular spots told me a tripped out story the other day. I guess 3 cops broke down this guys door and locked him up at about 5:30 AM on a Saturday. That's a bit early for someone who gets out of work at 4. Well as it goes they cuffed him and had him in holding for about 16 hours for missing court and skipping on the summons due to waiting for a reply from the courts to an inquiry about the case....

And um... I'm kinda happy to be working on a site for a somewhat known actress in the TV business. Oppotunities, yay.. Not much else without getting way more personal than I would like to get with this personal outlet right now. I mean hey.. we've just met a month ago...

Oh, by the way, the bartender hadn't gotten tags for his dogs. I feel he's learned his lesson and I'm glad the NYC streets are now a safer place.