Politics in the media

2004-02-09 9:16 p.m.
you know what really bugs me about politics in general, at least as it 's portrayed on tv...

Party loyalty beyond the point of reason.

Watching these idiots blubber on about who they support and why is the exact reason I could never choose a 'side'.

The democrats whine day in and day out about how bad bush is, but I haven't heard a single solid solution offered yet.

The Republicans defend their cowboy day in day out and never even question a single action.

What's so wrong with saying, yes - things ARE better since Saddam is gone, BUT I'm still concerned about the intelligence presented to me by my own president. It's possible to support him and still question him. That's called reasoning, and it's the kind of reasoning this country is built upon.

Just as well, I'm tired of hearing dems bitch and moan about the economy and everything else. The president is doing everything he's expected to do considering who he is and the groups he represents. Learn to manage your money correctly and learn to enjoy whatever tax breaks you can get, cuz our taxes will most likely skyrocket should there be a change in the white house.

Both sides of the fence could learn quite a bit from eachother, and the media would have you believe there's no such thing as a common ground. Meanwhile, the same damned messages appear every 3 minutes over and over again. It's like a huge propaganda machine turned broken record.

I suppose I'll never understand why people choose to blind themselves over considering true alternatives and answers. This is probably why I've avoided politics for so long, and I REALLY want to avoid it for a lot longer.

As far as I can tell, the cats on TV aren't a usual bunch. In my whole life, maybe 10% of the people I've known have fit the criteria of the people I've seen debating in the media. So who the fuck represents the semi-middle ground who's trying to weigh all of it to the best of their abilities considering what they have to work with?

Hard facts are hard to come by, whether it be a blown out of proportion black titty that the whole white world decided to blame everything on or a few well documented lies about a war that happens to be killing our brothers, sisters and children as I type this.

And speaking of the CBS thing, Why the fuck is Janet being scapegoated with little to no support?! I don't care much for entertainers in general, but publicly scapegoating one person for the whole nation's sickened obessession with sex should never be tolerated.

Fuck it, Back to work i go.