Drunk Dialing

2004-02-04 1:33 a.m.
it doesn't happen often, but yo...

I am so fucking bored.

hmm.. what to write.

Oh, I was really hoping to see Edwards to better than he has. Probably my favorite candidate. I'm glad he did better than expected, but.. iono. I'll take Kerry over Bush, but I'm about excited about him as he is about anything.

Work is good. Um.. Diet not working out so well. I miss Chicago grocery stores. They had everything my stomach desired, healthy or not and they were open 24 hours. My current home - the city that never sleeps - is closed far too often for my taste. I miss grocery shopping at 3am.

I'm about 10 lbs overweight, which isn't too big a deal, considering im 6 and a half feet tall. When I go home everybody talks shit about me being a fat ass, and rightly so, as I'd been a lanky fucker for my first 22 years. now at 25, I'm a lil over, but consideing im on my ass all day, it's expected. Soon as teh weather stays over freezing level for more than a week, i'm gonna start running again.

been considering following the low carb thing. my dad told me it worked for him 30 years ago when he lost 60 lbs and kept it off. Back then it was called the Stillman diet. He had the same issue. lanky till he was 26 then blew the fuck up. Then lost it all when he got tight with my 18 year old mother.

Incredible what women can do to a man. They run the world and are still never quite pleased.

I need to do some travelling. I'm headed to Chicago in March (I'll give you a shout before i do, egress). My cousin called from LA and told me it was like 70 degrees out there the other day. I'm gonna HAVE to do that. Waitin to see if dude i used to do a site for is going to e3 so I can get a couple press passes. Think I'll have to visit V. in Miami as well.

And then, it's off to London I go. I figured summer to be the best time. I almost bought a ticket yesterday, but then I let the air out a bit and calmed the fuck down before making financial commitments that dont need to be made just yet.

I haven't smoked any weed in at least a month. Think i'm about due.

Oh, take-two, thanks for the shout. I'm honored to have your attention... and honored to link your magnificent piece of mind. egress and intriguant, I appreciate the good words. I just found that lil note thing the other day. Of course, I'd rather keep the genious of everyone I link to to myself, but that's just greedy. And besides, as much as we may deny it all, we want people to read us.

I write this thing for myself mostly, hence the general use of initials instead of names. It helped me document my self-search after I left the majority of my life behind. The vanity within.. that lil attention whore which most of us deny yearns for somebody to check me out once in a while.

And with that, I must be sure to pass the love to anyone who has what it takes to penetrate my jaded shell. I say fuck everything, as I don't hear it enough, at least not sincerely, but a select few give me hope that there actaully is life on this planet.

Enough ramblings. I usually do this while enebriated - the public, anonymous, unintrusive version of drunk dialing, but I figured a sober mind fart was due, and it helps me procrastinate.

That's what I think I miss most of home. Drunk dialing. I used to get 3am calls every 2 or 3 days, and never cared. Because I've made plenty of them as well. Called ex girlfriends, old friends and good friends while stumbling around my room professing condolences or fears or love. I live for drunk dials. When my girl moved in, I explained my 3 rules...

Love without trust is a waste of time and energy. If you don't trust me, then you got to go. If I have any reason not to trust you, then you got to go.

My door is ALWAYS open to close friends. 5pm, 2am, Christmas day, mom's brithday.. whatever. It's open. No arguement, just let them in and carry on with your day.

My phone WILL ring at 3am, and I WILL take the call.

These 3 rules have formed the greatest friendships and relationships I could ask for, and I don't think I'm changing them soon. I don't make drunk calls anymore as half my friends got distrusting girlfriends or boyfriends or kids that are sleeping and jobs they hate. So I tend to log onto here and ramble. But that doesn't make me turn my phone off at night.

Damn.. still rambling. I think I'm done now. wait.. no...

Started reading the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Got the whole 5 book 'trilogy' mid last week. It's pretty funny stuff. Defintiely a good break from... well, life is good enough at the moment, but a good read nonetheless.

Ok, that's enough.
