It's just a titty

2004-02-02 5:54 p.m.
I am giggling my ass off. Viacom has made my whole fucking week.

Yes Viacom. The owner of MTV and CBS (and all these poor bastards as well). Janet shows a lil extra skin for a half a second and now the FCC is unzipping and getting ready to bend the fat media fucks at viacom over and give em something truly raunchy.

It all pleases me. If at least because CBS wouldn't air a couple commercials they didn't quite agree with, while they sell beer and sex all fucking day. I have far more against Viacom and the media they produce, but that's a fun little one.

I missed the minor event (was heating up some refried beans i brought for the occasion) and to be honest I don't really give a damn, but seeing the replay (over here) it is the first time Janet's breasts actually looked something resembling 'real' considering all the airbrushing, powdering and pushing they do to them for every poster and ad that i'm tortured with on my subway commutes.

I am excited to see media blowing this little thing way out of proportion. Had this been in almost any other country in the world, it wouldn't have even been noticed. We, as a country are so scared of sex and skin, yet so obsessed with it that when we all get a moment of sexual freedom in our media we lose our fucking minds.

And I am amused.

Oh yes, watch the syndicates point fingers at CBS, while CBS points fingers at MTV and MTV points fingers at the 18 year olds in the target market. Watch the old, out of touch news reporters blame hip hop and our nasty music and our terrible generation (which Viacom funds and whores with a smile). Watch everyone play the blame game, running in circles trying to cover losses and make up for the whole debacle, when at the end of the day, it's all one big fucking company.

And all this over a 40 year old woman's sticker covered titty.