Skies of Garbage

2000-10-18 21:16:00
What a fucking disgusting past couple of days. My dayjob office has an amazing view of jersey, brooklyn, and the green lady, as well as the husdon river... On a bright and sunny day, all of the above creates a phenominal view which is nothing less than visually orgasmic. But not yesterday. And not today.

Today, the sky is shit gray. The sky is the color that i expect to see as my body dwindles to nothing after my death. The sky is the shade I expect my lungs to be due to my up and coming 10 year anniversary with Newports.

So who gives a shit about the sky, right? Well... The water reflects the sky and everone's face reflect the weather, so I stare into foggy oblivion the with the garbage tint and can think of nothing but death and despair. Pretty dramatic shit, if you ask me.

On the brighter side of things... Me and my girl are going strong. We had blessed my company's conference room... which is something I've been wanting to do ever since I entered the corporate world's domain. Her parents are accepting of me and even invite me over for dinner at times. Her friends dig me. All is well... how nice.... Well, Bore you maybe, but I dig it.

Not too much else going down. I'm still recoveriing from my huge loss of 5 years worth of work... But at the very least, It's helped me focus. And It's given me an oppotunity to refine my sexual skills. I mean 2 years with no sex (by choice) calls for quite a bit of practice when a steady piece walks into your life. Not that i see her as nothing more than a piece of ass or anything. She's got perfection written all over her... but nonetheless.. when two people find themselves helpless without eachother, that is the equivalent to a steady piece of ass for the both of them.

My bro hit me with a funny story at J's birthday (She's such a cutie.. and finally single again)... I guess from the bar, they went to some guy's house (about 3 car loads), Drank all his beer and cleared his bar, killed all his pizza, eyed some of his belongings, and had a grand old time. At the end of the night, on the back porch of his place, the question arose...

"Does anyone know this guy?"

"Does anyone know what his name is?"

The negative answer to both tells me it was a good night. Happy birthday J. And happy birthday to anyone else who's birthday is coming up. Mine (and my girl's) Is coming up in 3 weeks.

That's it...

Peace and Love.