crashing and falling

2000-10-11 06:37:57
Jsut one of them there days... My girl stopped by my job today. We said we wouldn't see each other today, but I couldn't resist calling her and asking her to come through. So I'm stuck... so what.. I'm enjoying it.

She had trouble in her eyes though. I think she's going through some things at home, and I have a feeling some of it might have to do with me. No, it's not conceit. She told me that since I've come around, her father's been having really weird conversations with her about sex and life. Maybe they're just worried that we're seeing too much of each other.

I know my posts are probably boring the shit out of my readers lately, but what can I say. I'm stuck on a dope woman and my tide of procrastination is so high that the boats are beginning to unhook and get lost at sea. It's no help that all my work is sitting on a dead drive.

I called the drive recovery people, which is the BIGGEST fucking scam that has EVER existed. But I'll give it to them, they do it well. Basically, it's like this. Send in your drive as well as half your income for an estimate. If we can fix it, we would like your signature by pin-prick in which you will volunteer your first born and your wife. If we can't fix it, we'll bang it with a hammer and send it back to you.

So now i must start over. A lot over. I had begun a book, I had a great deal of poetry, I had an unpublished magazine awaiting a final editorial, I had web site concepts, a memorial book for an old friend, Posters, flyers, TShirts, mental doodlings in Photoshop, 3ds Max, and various other virtual drawing boards. I feel like someone came to me canvas storage locker with a blow torch and a smile and rid my history of me. I've been digitally raped.

I'm tired as fuck...

My old friend CM dropped an Email. She had been avoiding me for 2 months because she felt uncomfortable last time i was in town. You kiss a friend and they turn all stupid on you, you know? So, It was nice to hear from her. Talked to BGirl for a couple hours about relationships and her apprehension of men, and my amazement that she's still a virgin (Which i TRULY respect).

Mmmmm... sleep..