Holy Shit

2000-09-14 04:29:39
Holy Shit....

I'll make this quick... The bags below my eyes are pulling the lids down. The struggle is ongoing, but my saggy under-eyes are winning...

My apologies to all my 3 readers for not writing for a while. Lotsa shit going on.. Mad props from Pres, VP, and Head Programmer from my company, Ex-Graff writers asking me to return to the scene, My 3 design students nation wide are flourishing, That contract I mentioned last week has been signed which means Chicago and Mexico for my BDay, Lotsa time with Anime girl, Lotsa phone time with BGirl, My poetry book is packing on the dust, Been working out .. seriously... no, really.. Got a TV and digital cable, although i haven't had a chance to enjoy them yet, Went back to working on my mix tape (year 4 or 5 or something), I may be cutting on DVS' next album, Started learning C++ and Java, my personal site is BEGGING for a SERIOUS makeover, I've been away from chicago for a year now and people are STILL talking shit about things in regards to myself that I know NOTHING about... Gotta love the good stories that you could only wish you were a part of.

Well, I apologize if reading this was confusing or annoying.... but this is my current thought process for about 25 hours a day and 8 days a week. Now I'm waiting for my boy from London to make his way downtown (just arrived today), i'm hooking up with some other chicago hip hop kid tomorrow and bgirl may be coming through on friday.. oh and CH (the kid i hired just for being cool and who got fired cuz the mngr didn't think he was so cool) is coming through on saturday... In other words probably no more posts until 2001. Not really, but it's gonna be a couple days...

