Inflated Nipples

2001-03-11 2:53 a.m.
ick.. my eyes are drooping... i'm tired as fuck... which is pretty normal as of the last couple of months. I'm on the last legs of a project I've been working on for almost 7 months. I finished another project for my day job I've been working on for 8 months. I'm starting 3 more projects...

At least I'm staying busy. I may be starting an online/offline mag. Based in chicago. I'll let you know more about that when I know more about it.

I'm bumping the new Molemen EP. Very nice. I never made it to the turntablist joint. I was pretty disappointed, but coming form a land of 5 to 15 dollar parties, $25 is just plain sick.

Yes I've been in NY for almost 2 years, but 25 is still disgusting. Besides the skill that i'm sure is still displayed, I get tired of seeing a bunch of cats trying to show off how expensively broke they can look.

Nothing spectacular in my corner of the map is going down. New friends, and some I haven't spoken to in a while.. A lot of shit to do.. Things are going well with Trini as well as Honduran girl...

Um... Lack of updates.. oh yeah, I haven't put pen to paper creatively for almost 6 months. It's rahter disturbing. I think I'm thinking way too linear lately. Programming shit does it to you.

Uh.. I think I'm going to Amsterdam in May. The bouncer at one of my chill spots has a place to stay out there, which means airfare and foodfare and I'm there.

Then, I'm headed to cali. Purpose: See if I want to live there. I'm beginning to love NY, which means it's time to go before I get stuck in the muck.

that's it for now... I need sleep... I gotta be up in like 5 hours...

Oh shit.. Anybody ever heard of a woman's nipples inflating from being sucked too often? Trini was explaining this to me and showing the results. Kinda scary.. especially since im the type to suck a tasty breast for days, which is actually turning out to be a problem... Ick...