Waste of Space

2001-03-4 10:12 a.m.
The worst thing about daylight savings time, is one hour less at the bars. In chicago, They'd give you the hour... here, my watch says 2:30 and all the lights are coming on. What the fuckl!?!?!?

Ah well, I had enough anyways.. Went to see Company Flow's final show on wednesday. It was fucking amazing. Just an all around greta show. J-Trdz and the Juggaknots was on stage, Sir Menelick was on stage, Aesop Rock was on stage, The Atoms family was up there, ummm.... Bobitto was on the decks. Just an all wound good show...

And um, I want to peep the Turntablist show on Friday... it's got anybody who knows anything about 12's performing, but ... yo... $25?!?!? What kind of rich kid hip hoppy fuckoff crowd are you trying to bring to this thing???

I heard something recently about in Europe, they only have 30 hours weeks and they get like 2 months paid vacation. IS this true? If it is, i thing i hear it calling my name. How the fuck do you live as an artist without any time to create???

The female situation is all settled.. Girl from Chi calls once in a while, and we miss each other, but the friendship is good.... Honduras girl is too busy to do anything... we still have our lunches but we only went out once. I think she may be disappointed cuz we didn't make it to her house... Yo... I NEVER fuck ricght away... You NEVEr know how clean the pussy is.

Trini girl is happy. We're together and good and all that. The co-flow show was her first concert ever. I don't know man... She never gets excited over shit.. Kinda bothers me, but we've talked it through... not a big deal.

Um.. la.. It's best to take the monitor in to have the cord replaced. Don't listen to the high kid down the hall or in your class who's like, "naa dude, I did this for my older brother once dude, peice of cake".. Yo.. I saw a kid try to resolder a new wire into a monitor once. He didn't know that a monitor tube stays charged for a long time.... The kid touched the wrong thing and shot back like 5 feet against the wall... He looked like he got hit by tyson in his prime... It was ugly. Take it in, it shouldn't cost too much.

The other way to do it which won't last nearly as long but will only cost about 49 cents is to find the short in the wire, and tape the wire together in a way that that shorted out part wont move as much.

Like i said it won't last so long, but it's perfect for a college girl's budget..

I'm out.. I got work to do and I'm still recovering from having like 6 different people from 6 different groups of friends all here within the past 2 weeks...

By The way... Where the FUCK is the sun!?!?! These are sad times for us sun worshippers....