Partying with the Laundry Man

2000-07-20 04:27:58
It's been a bit... I've partied my ass off... 25/10 with people i've known for half my life and now it's back to the grind... My existence is such an ironic love/hate relationship betweed my id, ego, consiousness, subconciousness, work, play, working at play, playing at work, correct spelling, artistic relief, pissing without alleys, teaching, learning, loving, hating... loving and hating...

Some people are beyond their time to work. I know it sounds fucked... but its a sad truth that i hope not to face. Just as a 7 year old shouldn't hold a job, I don't think a 77 year old should either. Now - of course that's not ALL elderly people (Not that there's exceptions to the rule, but rather THERE ARE NO RULES). Some people function well at an older age and some even past 85 or 90. And those people who took good enough care of themselves to do so... More power to you.. I idolize you and feel you are the shit.

There's a small korean owned laundromat on my block. the woman who runs it is very sweet and i enjoy entrusting my clothes with her. But when she's not there, her father takes the spot. He's gotta be in his upper 70's. He speaks NO english. He can't see the laundry tickets very well. And he walks in 2 inch steps VERY slowly.

I walked in this morning and handed him my ticket. He looked at it for about 3 minutes, and inched towards each bag in a 12 bag row. It took 15 minutes!! I told him mine wasn't in the row but he didn't understand. He disappeared behind the counter for about 10 minutes and came back looking at me baffled. At this point i figured my clothes were stolen. He looks me dead in the eyes with obliterating confusion screaming from his eyes and exclaims in a old-korean-man-that-hardly-speaks-a-letter-of-english-type-voice:

LaundryMan: "eh... P... M... 7."

Me: "Excuse Me?"

LaundryMan: "P.. M.. 7."

Me: "I'm Sorry, What?"

LaundryMan: "PM.. 7"

Me: "Man, I'm not sure what you're saying, but I dropped off my stuff on sunday Morning. I gotta get to work. I have no socks. No underwear. Help me out, here."

SomeGuyDoingHisLaundry: "I think he's saying to come back at 7."

Me: "Come back at 7?"

LaundryMan: "PM7! PM7!!"

Me: (Trying to keep cool due to a pounding hangover and 15 minutes of sleep and an old guy yelling at my in 3 letter alphanumeric sentences) "Alright, man... Have a good day!!"

Then he inches behind the counter and inches back to me with my ticket. Now I'm NOT trying to say anything ill about this man. He's lived a long life and I'm sure hes had a lot of experience. But now I'm a half hour late for work after taking a week off, I'm wearing a week old "cleanest in the hamper after my trip" pair of boxers and no socks. Not a big deal to me, but my boss gives a shit. so i said fuck it. I went in to work in sandles, shorts and a T. I presumed the blessing from higher ground position and blamed my WAY-out-of-dress-code appearance on the old guy. The boss talks shit as new yorkers love to do and i work comfortably. Cool. But It was just a minor annoyance that fucked my mood for the morning.

what went down in Chicago?... 7 days with about 8 hours of sleep, Anacron's holding it down well at Mad Bar, The Double Door is still jumping on Mondays, Jen is georgeous and still taken, A Gallon of Citron isn't that hard to kill in one night, A bottle of Meyers is never enough, beer is too filling, I need another tatoo soon, I think i changed Pause's religious beliefs - or at least opened his eyes a bit, Weed just isn't what it used to be for me, stell is a hard read but she sure is fun to browse, bowled my best game ever (157), i'm not as good at pool as i used to be, got joey laid, took mom out, Scary Movie is funny as hell, I miss my peoples...

there's a LOT more details within, but it all pretty much mushes together like a felt pen on drenched paper. We smoked too many cigarettes, drank way too much, smoked too much weed, danced our asses off, drove through all limits of the city, walked all in between... and a shitload more. but most of all we laughed and hugged and faught like always.

The 15 and a half hour drive back was cool. We stopped at every rest stop to hit the arcades and fucked with the locals in the fast food joints. Nothing bad or mean, just mere conversation. It was Virus' first time in Ny and i believe he's coming back to stay. He's an amazing tatoo artist and is somewhat known in chicago. Gopher is himself no matter what city. He says he may come out here for good, but we're more set on Cali. Stell may come out if i get her a job.

Now as i oil the gears and get to work, I will get back into NY mode.

I got a promotion from On site support Technician to senior Web Developer at my job. I wish the pay check showed the size of the move, but at least i get to learn some shit. It's a one-man team, but I can get help should i need it. I'm going to try to hook up with the model to work on her site and possibly get a good friendship out of it. I hit the anime girl up, she quit her job and ain't eating shit. I think I'm going to take her out to something nice. She's mad cool and never went out to a dinner spot before.

Sex life is on E. as in empty, not X... Party life is slowing back down, I think i'm going to start spinning Drum and Bass. I'm getting tired of the weak Hip Hop record selection due to the money hungry cats and the business.

I've come to accept that my ex will not leave the back of my mind. I was with her for 5 years... I mean, she bought half of the nice shit i own (clothes and stuff like that) and she was my best friend for a quarter of my life. But now that's how i think of her.. as a part of me.. as an old best friend.. And besides, I still talk to her mom (we don't mention my ex AT ALL when we talk). It would be nice to know how she is... well, whatever..

I don't think i can drink for at least a week or two. Drinker's stomach is a bitch. Close in the bad morning after list to a hangover and waking up next to an unattractive woman wearing her panties around your neck. Not that i would know anyhting about that...