The Looking Game and Scribble

2000-07-26 00:46:36
I couldn't find my damn pen today...

Or anything else for that matter.

I forgot my leash (cell phone). I forgot to put shit in my hair. I forgot to grab that disk D'Wan wanted me to print from for him. I forgot...

I guess that's what long weekends do. That and a dime bag. They give the short term the boot.

But i was thinking.. in those times, I seem to be more creative. Is it possible that creativity and memory fight for brain space?

I mean, anyone I know that can remember everything down to the most meticulous detail is never very creative. And vice versa.

I have a good friend in chicago who i go back to the second year of hs with. we were pretty tight for a while and even roommates for 6 months. Well, he moved to ATL and TX and then back to chicago as I was headed east. He decided to start talking negatively in my direction, which is wack... So while on the way to work , with the girl-next-to-me-on-the-ferry's pen, i came up with some scribbling... And being that i don't have much to write about tonight, I'm going to share. . Mind you, my writing gets very sloppy when i use other people's pens...

Conversations of Racism and Escapism
I painted walls while you listened
Then Switch

Days and nights in my domain
Discussing Peace Love and Fame
Understanding Laughter, Healing Pain
Ecto-Plasmic Liquor Mixtures
Memorial Magic and Weeded Pictures

Sagged Pants with a System defied
Stupid Letters with Goofy Replies
Multi-Mile Long Missions on Montrose Ave
Laughing about women we almost had

Stories and Lies...
Glory and Lives...

Eastern Door wide open with no response
No more sketches with manual hip-hop fonts
From Atlanta to Texas to Chi, In the bing.
Words to people who don't know me..
... or these things

Pity Hunting... You stab me from behind
Now in the Bing.. And off my mind


Model girl stopped by the job today. She dropped off some pictures for her site. She may come to the NY Liberty game on saturday. I guess it's best she's got a man... She's too dope. Too easy to get hooked on... Best - my ass, but what the fuck else am I going to say? I'm not one to butt in... um, so far.

This pretty stage is treating me well... I'm getting looks from good looking women and all. But now what? Now I have to try to talk to them too? I mean, I get the look. I get the smile.

(Model girl just called... For help with her computer. What the fuck? Don't bother me while i'm writing about you!! And if you're going to, ask me how i'm doing, not to fix your shit. I'm just playing of course. Why am i always more nervous over the phone than i am in person?)

as I was saying, um...... oh.. After a couple more glances, I get ignored or some type of dirty look for not approaching. Fuck you!! I happen to be pretty comfortable right here. And if you're so fucking mad for me not approaching, then bring your ass over here and tell me. The looks game is annoying... And besides, I never know what the fuck to say.

Oh, by the way... My friend is locked up... the Bing refers to Jail...

Fuck it... Back to designland... Peace and Love...