Swimming in Shit

2000-07-27 02:34:44
It's been wet for about 24 hours... Scratch that... soaked.

As a shorty, I used to really dig hot and rainy days. I would run outside right away and hit up all the puddles, and race grass down the curbside rivers, and take refuge under trees, and find my way to a flooded friend's basement to play pirate. Hey, we didn't know we were swimming in 3 feet of the neighbors' shit...

I learned some cool shit today. Did you know that in the Middle East People with Goa-T's are highly respected? And in Japan Goa-T's are frowned upon because they look dirty and Neandratholic? I think mine just stems from lazynes, but whatever...

I got some answers to the drunken puzzles an NYU teacher had given me at the bar the other night. Sorry to all those who had sent in possible answers, but you were all WRONG. You can find the Questions here at the bottom of the post. The answers are...




I know, it's stupid. But Fuck you. The first one is the 1st letters of the numbers 1 - 10 and the second one is all the letters with straight lines. I know, Iknow, Fuck off...

What else? More of the looking game. So fucking blah. Her Eyes: Why are you looking at me?

Me: I'm looking at you 'cuz you are pleasingto the eyes. I'm not trying to talk to you. If i was, what would what you look like have to do with anything? Well, you don't have to be mean. If you want to talk to me so bad, then talk to me. Say hello. don't give me the 'fuck off for not coming over here' look because you want to talk to me. There, I smiled back, you happy? now stop glancing over here to see if i'm looking at you. Well, I'll stop glancing when you stop. No you stop. No you. Bye.

Of course this is all dialog within my head because i have serious issues. Not that i'm fucking crazy, but every time i approach a girl everything goes well until my mouth opens. I don't say anything offensive. Or really too outlandish. Just hello. Maybe a how are you. Maybe a comment about something around us. That's all i really wanted to say. So don't make me feel like an asshole because i said hello.

And don't ignore me next time i see you because i didn't get your number the first time. Why is everyone in such a fucking hurry to get on the phone? Fuck the phone!! If i see you again, we'll talk again. If you're fun to talk to, I would love to get your number. Why should i take time from my nothingness to call you and disturb yours? Besides, if i see you again, that means our path is crossing more than most. Which says we may actually have something to talk about. How about that!!

I do actually have more serious things going on within my every day. But i hear them arguing about themselves in the back of my head all day anyway... I don't need my fingers to hear about them too. Maybe that's why i'm getting arthritis. That and when me and my ex were nearly celibate for a year and a half.

Well, get wet, weather it be outside or even better, indoors. Just make sure not to swim in the neighbors' shit.