Pretty Bitch

2000-06-19 23:19:33
I am becoming the man that myself and all of my closest friends and aquaintences have made fun of for years. That pretty kid, with expensive clothes and painted nails, and all the nice shit. Fuck him!!!

Pretty Motherfucker!!!

Hmm... when one goes and sits into a manicure / pedicure seat and has some georgeous korean woman scrape away at his appendages for the first time, the change is quite frightening. Being that I would laugh for hours at any of my boys going through this. And I would deem them as a bitch for as long as I would remember to do so.

Well, I had to do some thinking in regards to this whole get pretty phase I'm going through. From home, I needed not dress up or paint any of my body or act differently around anyone or pronounce things 'correctly.' It's all really weird to move into a world in which all this comes first. NYC is so fucking material!! I've actually heard conversations about shoes that lasted 2 hours... That's pretty fucked up to me, being that I've never given that much of a shit about clothes or anything beyond emotion and knowledge. Shit some of the most attractive women I've met at home were in boxers or sweatpants when I met them. Here, people get dressed up to do their laundry...

Well, now all 20 of my nails reflect anything that gives off light, and i feel soft and pampered. I feel like a bitch. But a comfortable one. I think i can get used to this... What matters is the brains and the emotion, right? The looks just make me not feel like such a fucking outsider .. or at least get me into the clubs...

Fuck it, this is gonna take a while to get used to...

Anyway, I met some cute asian girl who hardly spoke english today. Which was alright considering after a 5 year relationship i still have NO GAME at all whatsoever. I can't even start a conversation with a girl that I've known for 10 years.... Blech..