Chrismas Party

2000-12-09 15:18:43
Battling a hangover in New York City sucks!!! I mean it... There's too many fucking people bumping into you, there's too many happy people smiling and stopping RIGHT in FRONT OF YOU... there's too many adorable kids with high pitched squeaky voices squealing about the wonderful things that are involved with being a kid. You know.. those absolutely adorable converstions about getting along with others and snowfall.. So adorable yet, with a hangover you just want to grab them by the ears and slam them into the train doors a few times...

So I had one of them mornings where you wake up and this is the dialogue in your head.

Why am I all dressed up?

Where did I get these clothes from?

Who are these people in the hotel room?

What hotel is this?

am i still in New York?

Why am i on the floor?

where did all my money go?

how the fuck do i get home from here?

Well it unraveled and it turns out that yesterday was fucking rediculously amazing... My lady dressed up for the first time in her whole damn life. She's one of those comfortable natural types.. no makeup.. ever.. no dresses or skirts, etc, etc... Fortunately, she's still georgeous nonetheless... i mean come on now.. you KNOW i'm picky.

So she's wearing the dress i bought for her (and a bright orange thong for those keeping score) and the two of us are grabbing EVERYONE's attention (Christmas Party)... Man, i'm NOT a conceited man, but a confident one... But sometimes I get that Outkast song in my head where it's like "Ain't nobody Dope as me, I'm just so Fresh and Clean."

After the 6th bottle of wine and half bottle of Absolut, the night had begun... We were on one of those Spirit Cruises... You know, the big boat that goes around manhattan showing off the skyline while you drink... Hey it was all free for me, so i recommend it...

Afterwards we waited 45 minutes for the company appointed car (just a real nice cab for those of you who arn't from NY.. umm... kinda like a short limo), and my girl is whispering the VERY sweet take me home and fuck the shit out of me thing. Well, it's not much of a thing, cuz that's exactly what she says, but it always get me going... The guy drags, eventually my girl is like Just take me home cuz she's worried about being late... get there and mom's is like why'd you get here so early...

Fuck it ... move on to My roomates birthday... by now it's about 2:30 am... meet these guys at the blue note... AMazing live jazz but like $8 for a watered down screwdriver... My roomate met up with his ex's cousin who he almost had a thing with... she's in town with this kid from Mexico City.

Now 10 minutes into the conversation and 2 bars later, My roomates hand in hand with ol' girl, and dude she was in town with is running game to her.. I mean.. not directly.. he was just trying to be nice i guess... but he's talking about the wonderfullest girl he's ever met and explaining how wonderful she is and eventually referring to her...

I couldn't let this stand... My roommate's doing so well... So i had to conversate with this gushing fuck. I'm into his coversation like i was trying to bend him over later... hanging on every word.. and he's STILL inturrupting these two. I wanted to stab him in the forehead with my fork!!!

So i think we went to eat breakfast.. and um... We got to the hotel SOMEHOW and i went str8 to the floor and fell asleep.. these guys wake me up and try to convince me to share a bed with romeo the cock block and i'm like leave me alone im drunk and comfortable...

So romeo begs me not to sleep on the floor cuz he feels bad or something. I'm like WHY!?!?!? My roommate sleeps with the pretty girl and I end up in a bed with YOU?!?! FUCK THAT!!! So My eyes close and his voice keeps going.. now every one is annoyed with his persistence and my refusal so i end it.

"yo, I appreciate your means and manners, but man, Shut the Fuck up and go to sleep!!!"

I hope he didn't take offense to that... Roommate was just like "You're a funny guy, dude." I don't think he meant it... And i don't think he understands my sense of humor yet...

Anyways.. I woke up in a stupor.. stumbled around NYC for a while figuring out where i was which turns out we were around Time Square... called my girl and i am now patiently awaiting a 6 hour sex marathon. followed by 2 hours of sleep in my Queen sized double thickness bed with a georgeous naked chocolate skinned island woman i call my own...

Man I love Christmas....