Balanced Weekend

2003-07-15 11:39 a.m.

(Edited and more at the bottom)

Sunday, I had the most romantic date I've never had. More on that in a minute.

Just finished a book called The Da Vinci code. My boy J reccommended it, i grabbed it, and couldn't put it down til I finished. Literally read it cover to cover in one sitting. Something I've never done.

I'm still researching some points made in the book (it's fiction so of course some things are stretched). The underlying idea besides the incredibly well written story is that Christianity has been horrifically changed from it's original worship of women to the preference to men in all matters. Politics and the like turned the women into evil whores while putting Jesus up as the number one bachelor.

Incredibly interesting idea, and seemingly makes far more sense that womanhood would be cherished as a basis of religion considering they have the final word in the more-powerful-of-genders debate. Like i said some facts are stretched as pointed out in the reviews i nthe link above, but it definitely sparked some interest in the subject for me.

So this weekend, my friend V, who used to date J, who's the guy who reccommended the book to me, and my friend L came to visit me. Well, not just me, they had their own agendas as well, but were nice enough to be sure I'd have the weekend open, which, since I'm my own boss, I usually do.

So I'm expeciting this to be an incredible weekend and first thing Saturday morning, I get into a fight with my girl about the fact that she lost her razor. What?!?! All her doing, I promise. My point in the whole matter was stop yelling and slamming doors about a razor. Her's was that she had it a long time. Why the fuck do I get the insane ones? (Obviously I know she's got more on her mind, but this is a bad weekend for it)

So I left her be, and hit up the free de la concert in Central Park. Couldn't find T, so I chilled on a bench outside the stage like plenty others because the lines were retardedly long. An hour of break beats and a couple k-os songs later, my boy T calls and it turns out he and 10 other heads have been about 100 feet away from me the whole time. I see him waving, meet a bunch of heads and get comfortable.

Then my girl calls.. I ask her if she's in a better mood, she said yeah. And she's a couple blocks away. Alright fine, I'll meet her.. She said she's in a better mood...

No. Fucking liar. After 30 minutes of getting NOWHERE conversationally, got so annoyed I was no longer in the mood to hear de la (takes quite a bit for that). In the end she apologized for going wacko that morning and that last half hour and i told her it's fine, but I'm not happy that she just ruined a great day. I meant to hold that in, but fuck that, I got my boy down from the bronx bringing 10 new potential people to know and 2 people who both flew appx. 1000 miles from different directions to chill with me, fuck that, it had to be said.

So we went to R's. Turn's out R's girl wasn't happy about her life and job Saturday, so his day was shot as well, but they still hooked up dinner and laughed a bit.

Fuck. Ugly pattern crowning, and i'm not pleased.

So that leads to sunday. Lost track of V, but I'm sure she's alright. I really just wanted to talk to her about J, who's cleaning up his act and i think would like to rekindle.

And so I met up with L, who tripped because I left her and her girl hanging the night before. I apologized profusely, and then an incredible day began.

Shopping (for her friends mostly, a couple of whome I've 'dated' before - quoted because i was so fucked up so often back then i don't remember them all that well). So shopping for friends, then hit up a bar, played an hour or so of pool had a few drinks, but kept it sober as she has a graduate school interview thing the next day, sat in the grass in the park for 4 hours and caught up on 10 years of craziness what we could remember and what we haven't been together for, topped off with a very intimate mexican dinner (quiet, dark, chill music, good food, etc).

This incredible and once I thought of it, incredibly romantic day without the stress of wondering how she feels or if I should try to hit, or when to try to kiss her. Never worrying about a lull in the conversation. Neither of us fumbling over words or trying to 'figure each other out'. After all, shes been a close friend for almost 10 years. Took her to ther ferry (she was staying with a friend in Staten Island), waited for 50 minutes for it, which reminded me why I'm glad I left the damned place, and said goodbye to a renewed best friend. Who I seem to have grown closer to, rather than apart from.

Came home and caught an earful for something or other. (Actually I know what it was, and promise you it wasn't worth the earful or even this sentence). I guess we all need a little balance. Waved her off and went to sleep.

--------------- Continued the Next Day ------------------

So I wrote all that yesterday morning, completely exhausted and out of it. I just edited it to fix spelling and strange sentences. I was up mad early to go to R's girl's job. I actually have a $75 - $125 haircut which is pretty hilarious to a person who's used to $12 neighborhood fades. Usually pretty tight, but my last one was a little off.

So R's Girl, A, had told me to come to her studio cuz she needed a model . she's 4 years in and ha one day of apprenticeship per week, which was yesterday. I had never expected a fade to take 3 hours. Literally, 930 - 1230. It was pretty bugged, had her boss coming by and showing her how to do certian sections and they're having complete conversations about my head, including some shit about my crazy growth pattterns and what not.

Very surreal for me. Although I hardly mind the attention or the free professional work done to my fade. It seemed like she literally cut every hair on my head one by one. I found myself laughing at one point (outload, couldn't hold it in) because she would line up behind me and her boss behind her. And then they'd split off in each direction, still lined up. Looked like some bugged out 80's video. In the last hour I started knocking out, but didn't want to since i had a pair of $400 scissors to my head. At the end of it all, I got to clear some stale air between A and I (due to the shit I went through last year), and all went well enough that I now get free pro style hair cuts for nothin.

On the way home it just felt silly knowing my haircut cost more than all my clothes together yesterday (including my shoes).

Still waiting to hear if I got the Hawaii job. And um.. that's it. hope you're enjoying your July.
