Tawkin - No Hawaii

2003-07-17 1:52 a.m.

Long day yesterday. But good one. Found out in the morning that Hawaii went to a local. That news brought me to the decks, which is usually my last result before becoming irrational these days.

I don't hit the decks much these days. My needles are dull and my fader is bleeding profusely. But when things get sour, it's the best cure. After 9 years most of the goods are still accessible after 5 minutes of practice.

I mean, I don't have the crowd rocking power and smoothness I'd once had, but there's at least enough to rock the set in my head. Put all the voices in sync rockin their heads to the same beat. Once they're i nthe same party, I can find my direction. My soul comes back to my fingertips and i recall where i am and where i'm from.

So eventually tonight we came to the conversation about soul. Actually it was about nyc and how it's the adults playground. The place where, once you grow up, you can be as wild as you want without consequence. You see, when in Chicago, and many other smaller cities i've come to or come to know people in, the progression is birth, school, college/work, career, marriage, kids, death.

Of course some people skip a step or two, but those are the guidelines. NYC is the only place I've been (although I've heard the same about LA) where you can be 75 with a young girlfriend and not get a dirty look. You can be the king of the playground without feeling like your playing in the sandbox.

The thing that gets you is that nyc is a hard place to make it. The hardest part is that it rips the sould out of someone. Trying to make it and make friends and make a life for one's self can tear the soul out of anyone. For one to keep their soul here requires a good means of staying grounded. Game recognize game. But then plays forward.

Well, once over, we moved on to the fear and strength of men and how it holds women down. I could g oon for days on the subject and did. Hopefully i made a good point, but it's far too much to do in such a place.

Finally the bartender's boyfriend showed up, who's and independant artist (guitar and singer i believe). Recently myself and a friend from the UK started plotting a site that is based on allowing people to buy music directly from the artist, completely away from the Recording Industry. I'm talking raw talent, no contracts, directly from artists to listeners. I was pretty excited about hte idea adn i think the idea grabbed him. Regardless if it was the idea or the energy, he was all in. If at least, more incentive to move forward. Everyone I ask says 10/10 idea.

So I got some bad news which seems to have balanced out through conversation and had a balanced weekend . The good news, I go on a solo trip to Chicago to see my peoples and then go see a friend out on the west coast very soon as I promised and have been hoping to do for quite some time.

Life is good, life is good. life is sho' nuff good.

Do me a flavor, go wish her well as she's been exhausted after entering the world of full time work. Also, it seems I now have added one more reader to my reader base of somewhere around 2. Go check out metafouric. She seems mad cool. It seems that she may have quite a bit to say but might not be confident enough to say it. Make sure to let her know that you want to hear what she's got to say as much as I do. And definitely, wish her grandmother well.

Aiight, peace and love.