Brick of Dough

2005-08-26 1:39 a.m.
You know what�s a little weak about the West coast? You can�t really drunk dial the rest of the country from here. I mean Chicago is 2 hours ahead an NY is 3. So I�m at home, the guests have long gone home, the bars are closed, and I�m sitting here solo with the urge to talk to SOMEBODY. I�ve got nothing. It�s already 330am in Chicago and 430am in NY.

I learned today the benefits of yeast. I mean I�ve seen cooking shows about what those little fuckers do (the yeast), but I never quite understood the WHY of it all.

So, I�m sitting here. Hungry. A lil too lazy to walk to the store, though I will if I absolutely have to. Let see� we�ve got� flour� some vegetables� Pizza!! I mean dough is easy. I�ve made homemade noodles an pierogis and shit a few times. Sure, I�ve got no yeast, but I can make a flat pizza or some shit. Never knew what the yeast was for anyways.

So I make some dough, knead it out into a personal pizza size, slap some oil on it, stew some tomatoes as a sauce, chop up some mushrooms, jalenpenos, onions, grate some fresh parm. BAM� pizza. 425 degrees for 20 minutes. Nice.

The topping part was incredible. The bottom crust was a little thick, but manageable. Then I get to the edge. You know, the nice, fluffy crust part that most people watching their waistline reluctantly leave behind. That shit was solid BRICK. I was ready for another slice, took one bite out of that crust and I was full. If someone happened to break in at that moment, I woulda knocked em out in one swing with that slice of crust.

Now� NOW I KNOW what the yeast is for. It�s what fluffs out the bread. It�s the difference between a solid piece of dough and a nice fluff slice of bread or crust or whatever. I think some of these thigns would have come more naturally if mom ever cooked anything besides mac and cheese and PB & J sammiches.

Let see� other news. Had to talk my boy out of stalking his recent ex. He�s damned near ready to do something far more drastic than should ever be mentioned beyond one�s thoughts. I spent about an hour talking him out of that shit. Ah yes� the justifiable crazy motha fuckers at home. The worst part� His pending actions probably would be justifiable in any conversation besides a court of law. There are some scandalous motha fuckers out there.

What else� more drawing� more writing� more drinking. Pretty damned good mood overall. My scotch budget seems creeping towards the high end though�