Using my powers for good.

2004-07-07 1:13 p.m.
friday night...

me (with that look in my eye): You have access to your roof??!?!

R: Yeah

me: Ahem... the 4th...

R: I don't kno-

me: come on, R. The 4th is on Sunday and all these fucks haven't come up with a damned thing.

R: I know, but I hate hosting shit, especially on short notice.

me: Then I'll host!!

R: I don't know

me: get this man another drink!!

-- 2 hours later --

R: So you're gonna help me out, right?

me: why even ask? You KNOW me.

R: aiight.

-- Saturday Morning --

R: I don't know, man.

me: Still going to that joint tonight?

R: Yeah.

me: Alright, I think I might go too.

-- Saturday Night --

me: Get this man another drink!!!

R: So what time should I set it off?

I told you I only use my powers for good. And damned good it was. Sunday afternoon, R and I made all the calls and Sunday night we were 25 deep with a blazing mini-grill, a bunch of food, beer, smoke and liquor and a view of 4 of the 5 boro's fireworks shows.

Been trying to squeeze so much work into the past few days, and it hasn't been working very well. I've been doing the work well, but the time constraint is a bitch. So I called the client, as this is the first deadline I've missed, and he was practically indifferent. Ah teh sounds of stress leaving me.

And just as I was about to finally shut my eyes yesterday afternoon after a 30 hours stretch, my cell goes off. Debating actually answering the thing, I notice my cousin's name on the screen. So I fumbled and grabbed the phone.

The fucker's getting married the week after we get back from Ohio. 3 days in Vegas, for a hawaiian shirt wedding. I could never ever even consider turning this down. Never crossed my mind. So a week of debauchery in Ohio, then 3 days of debauchery in vegas, right after. OH yes, folks. I am the definition of the happiest man on the planet.

So I picked up my official 'vacation' letter to my clients and associates, which i spent a good hour poking and prodding at for the correct balance of profession and wit, added a week, bought my tickets, reserverd my room and car and proceeded to fail at falling back asleep for the next 8 hours.

Unfortunately, I can't seem to focus on my screen anymore. I slept well last night, but whenever my eyes catch wind of vacation, they refuse to focus on anything resembling work.