Pleasant Awakening

2006-10-22 11:53 p.m.
I was rather astonished to find such a gorgeous woman besides me this morning. After a fun night out with a few friends and a HORRIBLE attempt at dancing at the latin club in Billyburg, BB asks if we can step outside. As this is only the 5th time we've hung out, and she usually has to turn in a bit early to study, I've no idea what her limits are. And she does carry herself very well.

Turns out she was done. Over-done actually.

"where are we again?"

"brooklyn, that's the williamsburg bridge right above us"

"i've no idea where that is"

"don't worry about it. you ok?"

"um.. i don't think I am"

"alright... here's my shirt let me run in and grab our jackets"

"that crowd is crazy - you're gonna take long"

"i'm a fucking monster, they'll move. 2 minutes"


i ran in, dodging the sweaty beauties grinding to the congos. this place has always been one of my favorites, even if i can't dance worth a damn. It's exactly what you would always hope and expect a brooklyn spot to be. gritty, cultured, great music, tons of dancing, smoking in the basement, fairly priced drinks, good dj's, live instruments playing along, etc.

i dodged and nudged and squeezed my way downstairs, bid farewell to the three left over apologizing for the early departure, snatched our jackets off the hook and snuck out the side door. She was half way through her cigarette.

"You're not looking tip top, I'm not sure we'll make it back to your place all that quickly. I'm 5 minutes from here, by cab. No funny business, I just want to make sure you're ok"

She moved in for warmth and agreed. 2 yellow cabs flew by. impossible to get a yellow in brooklyn. i grabbed one by the open passenger window and stuck my head in.

"look man.. straight down this street for 5 minutes. no turns nothin."

"no no, I'm going home"

"so am i. come on man, my girl here is feeling sick. I just need to get her home."

he looked over my shoulder and saw her standing sweetly on the curb wearing a button-up reaching to her knees and two jackets and waved us in.

she held it together for the ride back, we hopped out and she grabbed tight as we passed what seemed to be a bad ending to a good party. police sirens were a few blocks away and closing, some dude was holding an older woman back while she screamed obscenties over his shoulder, a bunch of cats surrounding some car and yelling, the cracks of a few punches, an ambulance was turning the corner as people began to scatter.

"i swear this doesn't happen often. it's actually a pretty decent neighborhood"

fumbled the keys a bit and helped her out of our jackets. our first kiss comes as a drunken disoriented show of gratitude. she spent the next hour or so in the bathroom, i ran out to grab her some food and liquids form the corner deli. when i got back she was in bed. washed the bucket and put it beside the bed and figured it better to let her be.

i was on beer all night and felt it necessary to crack a bottle. finished the crown royal immediately and noticed IC left some raspberry vodka in the freezer. what a mean thing to do to a drunk. that shit was horrible, but i needed a drink.

drunkenly sang along with mr. Withers as I flipped through emails i had to respond to by morning. too drunk to respond, started a couple drafts, uploaded a couple files that I was working on for my current project and shut everything down. I threw the bottle out to kill the chance of a reoccuring nightmare that is sweetly flavored booze.

by morning she was holding me tight. the sun yanked my eyes open and i immediately felt as though i'd stopped last night's cab with my face. grabbed some gatorade and popped a couple tylenols. I'll need beer soon to shave the chin hair off this beast. crept back into bed. she smiles and grabs me again. i'm done for. she's breathtaking.

a couple hours of morning conversation in bed wishing neither of us had responsibilities for the day. made some breakfast, threw on my hangover attire and walked her home (via subway). explained how to get there - and back. a sweet kiss goodbye in front of her building. called up AW for a noon-time beer since he couldn't come out with us the night before. lunch, some catching up, a couple guinesses and back to brooklyn for another 4 hours of sleep.

awakened by the dusk, refreshed and just in one of those damned good moods.