models and grandmothers

2001-11-18 1:17 p.m.
there's so much drama in the nyc, it's kind hard being...

sorry tac, don't really fit in. Mind you, It's 1:15 pm, and I'm still entirely wrecked from the night before... or from this morning rather. So much shit has gone on today...

Here goes...

At about 12 O'Clock am, I was in the bathroom, and lost a contact. One of my last 2 from a year's supply, which means, time for glasses.

So I threw on the glasses, forgot how I looked in em, thought it looked decent, and suddenly i wanted to go get a drink or two. I shaved my neck, but kept the beard... Now, I haven't done laundry or dry cleaning for about a month and a half, so i wasn't expecting to be high profile. I went and bought some draws and socks ($2.00), threw on some thread (my patented half clubby stylish guy, half baggy hip-hop esque look) and broke out.

I was thinking I'd go out, say what up to Z, ask him if he can hook up a job as a bartender, have a couple drinks, go see M (my favorite bartender / japanese teacher), have a couple more and be out.

So Z offers me a spot as their hip hop dj for some once a month joints in williamsburg starting february. Tight. So i gotta start practicing again. Go see M, meet R, who's a very talkative and very cool cat. We buy a couple rounds each, and I offer M a shot. She can't on the job, I offer R a shot. He's nursing a hangover. So, I'm considering one more guinness and head home...

THEN, S walks up, leans over the bar to my right to grab a pen from M. S is absolutely georgeous. I don't belive in love at first site, but i do belive i fell in love when i saw her... Not literally, but come on... So, being my quiet self, I glance, notice, and get back to my beer. R offers a shot on me, since i've been offering. She takes... she tells her 2 friends at the table peace... she sits with us till 5AM. R leaves, we have breakfast, talk about things til 8AM...

Stats: Electrical Engineer, Model, conversationalist, emotional, offensive, finds bad taste in my shit talking.

The first few are perfection, but the last couple have spelled trouble for me forever. Some find humor, and some hate me. I'm fine with that, most are not...

So I get her numbers and email addresses and such, I'm on top of the world...

I get home, knock out. My father calls (haven't talked to him in bout a year). How you doing, heard you got layed off, nice to hear you're doing ok, bye. 30 minutes, and i'm drunk off my ass. sleep 15 minutes, trini (girl im kinda seeing) calls on her way over. OK, sleep 15 minutes, she shows up and won't shut up because i knew she was coming and i shouldna been out all night. I tell her to shuit the f up, i've been working 110 hours this week, and i'm still drunk... no hangover (THANK YOU!!!) but i'm still drunk.

she talks shit for 20 minutes.. i sleep through most of it, she play dreamcast. Her father calls talking shit, she's gotta go, she's crying, she hates her sheltered prison of a life. So I'm comforting her in the bathroom, stumbling and bubbly... her grandmother calls and apologizes for her father's behavior and makes me promise to take care of her baby when she's not around... yeah yeah, im drunk she's my friend, everything will be fine...

trini leaves, im drunk... im writing this... It's 1:30 pm and im drunk and im writing you... see what i do for you guys?!?!

I hope model chick calls me back. Oh by the way, trini's moving in. It's gonna be 3 of us in my tiny one bedroom apt... Ew!!! But who can beat 300 a month in rent?!?!

So, I'm gonna look for a means of sleep, thanks for tuning in!!

Peace love and turkey!!!
