My Blood and a New Girl

2000-09-28 06:41:21
It's been an ill week... where should i begin... hmm...

Well, my boy was in town for 2 weeks looking for a job as an investment banker. It was the first time I chilled with him one on one ever. I mean we've been chilling for years, but that was always based on dime bags or larger and bottles of liqour. This time it was on some real chill type motivational type shit. It's pretty dope to go from nonmotivated weed head to entrepreneurial dedicated head ina a matter of a couple years and have at least a couple people not question, but rather support it. It's better than: "But why you gotta leave the block though, yo? Everything you could ever need is right here.... blah, blah, blah..."

So on Monday night, which was his last night in town we hit up Little Italy for an ill dinner and 6 rounds of Sambukas, a bottle of wine and a couple screwdrivers. From there we stumbled to one of my favorite bars and hit the pool table up as well as plenty more drinks. I had my BESt night on the pool table ever... I actually had some cat shake my hand after a game and say "Sorry for wasting your time..." I was like WHAT?!?! You gotta be kidding me.. then I looked at the table and noticed that he didn't drop ANY. So I'm doing weel on the table. The people I was playing against consisted of 4 guys around the pool table and the 2 girls they brought in with them who were at the table.

as I wa sracking shit up, I looked over, and my boy is at the table with the two girls with a phone number recieved. This was classic. I finally lost due to bordom and joined the table. So here we are running game to the girls who came with the guys who had been fiending to knock me off the table all night. I busted on them a little bit (Yes i must ALWAYS talk shit) and we dipped out in a drunken stupor... from there, the night got pretty wild from what I can remember....

I think I got me a girl. It was actually by surprise... As I said before, I was hanging with Anime girl wquite a bit. Well after she got a job, she got mad busy... so I started chilling with her best friend... This girl is so fucking dope... no materialsitic, but still cares about how she looks, she's an amazing artist (pen, pencil, market, and watercolor), she's pretty cute, REAL chill. she knows how to cool out... a little too chill at times, but whatever... And a WHOLE mess of other dope traits that i've yet to learn more about.

Of course, being that I've been single for about a year (by choice) and my last joint was 5 years long, I'm pretty rusty on the introductory shit... My timings off and I've been getting nervous... I haven't felt like this in a loooong time. I mean actually getting nervous around someone... It's actually pretty dope...

What else... oh.. i went to the doctor today. All my answers were good... It was the first time i ever hadd a doctor grab my nuts. I'm talking UNFUCKINGCOMFORTABLE... and he checked me for stds on the outside... REALLY UNFUCKINGCOMFORTABLE... but doc was cool, I'm clean and healthy... now i'm waiting for my blood results...

oh and I started the illest arguement with the nurse taking 3 vials of blood from me:

Me So when Do I get my blood back?

Nurse You mean the results?

Me No, all that blood you're taking from me. Don't i need it?

Nurse Well, we need it to test from.

Me Right, So when I I pick it back up?

Nurse Um, sir.. You um... don't actuallyt get your blood back.

Me What do you MEAN I dont get it back? I need it!

Nurse Well we cant just put it back in you, your heart will do that

Me What? How?

By this time, I lost my cool and cracked, but the look of confusion on her face was worth at least a hallf a billion in cash...

Well.. I got work to do... Oh, btw... I'm going to the Bahamas this weekend. I just thought I'd brag about that right quick...

P & L