Errant Strands

2005-02-08 7:16 a.m.
Man it is hot as FUCK in here. It doesn�t help that I�m still a lil swerved from last night�

LA was dope. I didn�t get to call everyone I was hoping to. Time just flew. We went from last Monday til last Friday. I couldn�t dare set up a weekend just yet. The idea was to go out, get a taste and get a lil loose, but not completely off the chain. And we succeeded. After 5 days in Venice we�re both pretty much sold. If not for the pretty girls who actually smile at you, the incredible smoke, the people we chilled with, then at least for the fact that it was 75 degrees and sunny in the beginning of February.

Every time people ask my reasons for going, I have a different answer. And every time I give a different answer, it�s just as good a reason as all the rest. Shit, my girl�s even convinced this is a good move. How the fuck I got her to believe that will elude me for a long fucking time.

And of course, now that I�m headed out, a LOT of people seem to be entering my life. That, and a lot of people I already know decided it�s time to get a lot closer. I mean, people I�ve been drinking with for years now are suddenly warming up to me a hell of a lot more. And new people are coming out the damned woodwork. One in particular seems to have a good grip on my interest. I think I�ve taken hold of hers as well. Timing, it seems, is not my forte.

And work is SLOW. I blame myself for not marketing myself for like 4 months now. Everyone thought I was busy as shit. Nope. I mean I was, but not on new things. And now that 3 biggies either pushed back or fell out completely, I�m sweatin a bit. I still got a few more magic projects in the works� it�s just a matter of getting them signed and paid for.

Oh shit, I still have a couple free drink chips in my pocket� Good for next Monday.

My boy G had a good time in LA. Although he needs an extra month before heading out, he seems pretty convinced and convincing to go. I was getting a lil worried and getting ready to go solo. And the dumb ass ends up hooking up with some Christian chick (if you knew him you�d know how funny that is) a few weeks before we leave. I told him if he knocks her up it�s a mouth shot, and I mean that shit.

My girl and I are doing really well. There�s the occasional ill mood that sparks a conversation involving a few �don�t go�s� and �what am I gonna do�s� but most of the rest of the time she�s confident and ready. I think for the most part she�s just scared of running shit on her own.

While wasted last night, my dad called. It seems we�re planning a trip to Mexico to see our family down there again in July. If that wasn�t the illest thing he could have possibly said over the phone yesterday, I�m not sure what is. Made my whole damned night, which was already going really well.

I broke out all stupid last week. I don�t know if it was all the sun, which my skin hasn�t seen in a couple years now or the bad water, or just the drastic climate change, but by Friday I looked like I was 16 again. I even stayed in this weekend. That bad. I mean I generally don�t give too much of a damn. But yeah. That bad. Shaving is the worst when it gets like this. I can�t stand being 26 and still dealing with this bullshit. It seems I�ll have to seek professional help.

One of our few hosts last week was so incredibly sweet. On Tuesday she grabbed us a bag and rolled up some of her own for an evening on the couch making fun of Day After Tomorrow. A couple nights later she took us to a dope dinner spot, aftwerwhich we all rolled to my boy J's for his birthday. Very cool chick, incredibly attractive, in my industry, really funny with a lot to say... There's something that bothers me about her though... hmm... OH YEAH... she still shares an apartment and a bed with her "ex-fiance". Yeah, that was it.

And a sidenote... A new interesting person (who for now seems only to exist in my head til I get a chance to talk to her in person) asked me a question the other day that would have had a completely differnt answer at any other time. I was telling her she should consider writing professionally as her talents are mind boggling. She basically stated that nobody reads anymore and asked the last thing I read. Due to distraction I couldn't answer at the time, but I wanted to.

Any other time in my life, the answer would have taken a moment to remember the last thing I read. But right now, I'm working my way through a stack of about 8 books and 5 comic books. One of the books are written by a close friend, one just got here as a Christmas gift, a couple have been recommended, I finished another one couple months ago. The rest are things I've picked up here and there, one of the comic books was a gift and the other 4 were lent to me by a friend due to a strange coincidence.

So... yeah. I think she should write, if at least so I'll have something to read once I'm done with this stack. As far as when that will be... I dunno... When my apartment is 5 blocks from the beach, finishing a book might be a more tangible concept.

Bah, who gives a shit. There�s pages more but I can�t unravel it all. Just all jumbled and twisted up with knots and errant strands and whatnot. My apologies for being all over the place and hardly very eloquent with it. That�s just how my head is working for the moment.