
2003-09-16 1:03 p.m.
I woke up like a king today, proving once again that a few shots of tequila amounts to a great night's sleep every time. After a 3am conversation with G about sexual mishaps and good head, I seem to have left an entry on here somewhere and then knocked out quick. Next I know, I'm awoken by an empty call right on time.

First thing I had to find out is why my eye was swollen.

I recall 97% of the night, but something could have gone seriously wrong in that 3% that would have amounted to a swollen eye. I mean the last guy i beat off the table (pool) while barely holding my own balance didn't seem too happy.

He was an older guy, about 47. I'm horrible with names, so I just called him Nebraska all night, and he would respond with "Chi Town." He jumped on our table and beat G in a close game, and I was talking shit the whole time (in a friendly matter of course). Finally I got up and let him know i'd demolish him and then proceeded to suck.

First half, I couldn't knock a damn thing in, while he was dropping one or two every turn. Finally, with 5 of my balls left, two of his and the eight, I stumbled my way to knocking them all down in a strange yet almost professional manner. It was like watching the drunken style of boxing, swerving left and right then when about to topple, going in for the kill with precision.

The guy stepped out for a smoke with me after and walked away. I figured maybe he wasn't happy... I asked G and he said everything was kosher, so I probably either hit myself while sleeping or got whatever G had while we were in Colorado.

So after going over the night in my head, I went and floated in the pool for a while. I mean if you only goal of the day is to float in the deep end of a pool, you're probably doing something right.

I'm almost frieghtened to read what i wrote yesterday, so if it makes no sense or far too much, I had some help from a cute bartender who knew how to pour a good shot of tequila (ie no count just fill the damn glass) and a few Sierra Nevadas.

Oh, and I've been reading Kindom of Fear by Hunter Thompson. Not really in story form like most of his greats, but a good read if you're a fan of his. It's a bit more autobiographical, but it's pretty much all tangents. Good shit.

But enough of this dribble. I'm gonna hit the showers and wander aimlessly around San Francisco to find some more smoke, drink and whatever else we come up with.

Damn.. I can't believe I forgot... while driving down Market yesterday, we saw some minivan sitting on it's side. It was a bit surreal, as we didn't see it happen, and it was a very calm moment. We didn't think too much of it beyond odd, until suddenly the doors opened and people started climbing out. Very strange.. we circled to see more and the trucks and ambulances arrived on our return. Hope they're alright.