i think im back

2002-08-19 4:29 a.m.
Alright.. so i finally actually updated this thing... I've taken neglect to awhole nw level with good excuse... DRAMA..

so I've lost my mind a bit. Slept around and shouldna.. Hit a few album release parties here and there, gained a few pound from poundin a few too many... fine.

So... um, I've been inspired to rejoin. I'm trying to be a good boy again these days. Well, at least gooder than i have been recently.

Lsin weight again, starting to work out again. Absolutely AMAZED my girl is still with me. dealin with the whole thing terribly, as in well.. she's great, but we're young so now what?

I seem to run into this question often. I think it's just an excuse. Covering up some weird underlying unhappiness or some shit...

OK.. that's all you get for now. it 430 am, damnit and I just finished off my last pack in my carton. And for all you smokers in NY, how the FUCK are you still buyin packs at the bodaegas?!?! I mean, damn... you get 10 packs for 35 at any online venue...

More on a whole bunch of shit later... I need something that resembles sleep

And um, i hope you like the new green thing. I have no idea how to change my old shit, so it's all just imageless entries that look like what the web was about 8 years ago... Wierd to say I remember what it looked like 8 years ago...

OK, enough... Can you tell I haven't actually typed or written anything resembling a personal thought in a long time?!?!

P & L